View Full Version : Rupert Murdoch foam pie attacker jailed for six weeks

03-08-11, 09:44
Jonathan May-Bowles has today been jailed for six weeks for assaulting Rupert Murdoch with a plate of shaving foam during a culture, media and sport select committee meeting.

The 26-year-old from Windsor - an activist also known as Jonnie Marbles - last week pleaded guilty to charges of assault and causing harassment, alarm or distress in a public place. He was sentenced to a six-week prison term at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court.

May-Bowles stood accused of hitting Murdoch with a paper plate of shaving foam as the News Corporation chairman answered questions on phone hacking during a three-hour sitting of the culture committee on July 19.

Murdoch's wife Wendi Deng, who was sitting behind the billionaire as he gave evidence to the MPs, leapt up and pushed the assailant away. She then hit May-Bowles with the plate as he was taken away by police.

At the time, May-Bowles said that he attacked the 80-year-old billionaire because he "had no faith in the parliamentary process" and "wanted to see some kind of justice done".

The committee hearing was suspended as police apprehended May-Bowles and took him out of the Wilson Room in Portcullis House at Westminster.

When the hearing resumed after the incident, Labour MP Tom Watson concluded his questioning by telling the News Corporation boss: "Your wife has a very good left hook."

After pleading guilty to the offences last week, Marbles told reporters, "I would just like to say this has been the most humble day of my life", mocking Murdoch's statement to MPs on the culture committee.

03-08-11, 12:58
wonder why she wasnt charged assault????

03-08-11, 14:43
yeah thats what i thought

he was jailed for 6 weeks for a foam pie splat

and she was let go for pussing him and hitting him with that same plate

03-08-11, 15:05
They'l claim self defence lol

04-08-11, 08:54
is it normal to attack someone, no, is it normal to protect someone using reasonable force, yes ,end of,

04-08-11, 14:32
self defence is acceptable yes and protecting your self is acceptable

but some one else getting involved is not if rupert did it you can understan but it was his wife a complete 3rd party in a sence

other thing is she pushed his away that was protecting rupert andf again i would see that as ok to do so

but then after that what was the meaning of hitting him with the plate

that in a court of law can be argued as vengefull attack rather than self defence

04-08-11, 15:21
it was all over the place like youtube she slapped him and thast not defending your self ,he didnt attack her he went for her hubby with a shaving foam pie she lashed out at him to me that's assault try doing that while your out for a nite at the pub and theres a busload of fuzz watching you trust me youl be in the cells

04-08-11, 15:24
it was in court and they did nothing, the dude shoulda dropped to the floor and made a scene of it lol maybe then they woulda seen it a bit different

04-08-11, 16:39
it was in court and they did nothing, the dude shoulda dropped to the floor and made a scene of it lol maybe then they woulda seen it a bit different

:roflmao: yea hes wasnt thinking

04-08-11, 16:44
I hope he dont have to server the full sentence when a disgraced MP only served a quarter of his sentence for ripping of the tax payers :mad:
