View Full Version : Vix 2.2.100 USB issues

24-07-11, 15:09
Hi guys.
can you help please?
I just installed the above image to my Vu+, and am having issues.
In mount manager there is no way to format my USB anymore, although I formatted it to fat32 in my PC.
When downloading Picons, I dont have a choice of location other than flash or HDD!!! usb is no longer present!!
Cross epg, or ryvix does not appear to download the epg, though there is an epg.dat on my usb.
Is there anyway of getting the ryvix option back into the vix menu pls?

Can anybody advise pls?

Many thanks....

24-07-11, 15:13
Can you check to make sure USB is mounted as USB and not SDB1. It sounds like the USB is not being picked up, do a hard reset of the box and see if that fixs it, if not can you do a screen dump of the mount manager showing all the mounts?

24-07-11, 15:42
Hi mate.
No, the usb is not being picked up.
HDD mount is /media/hdd
usb is /media/usb
usb is formatted to fat32

hdd is called /dev/sda1
usb is called /dev/sdb1

I have to embarassingly admit, I don't know how to do a screen dump.
So sorry:confused:

I dont understand why the option to format the drives are gone.

The hdd works fine.

24-07-11, 15:47

yes, I have cold booted the box several times

24-07-11, 16:00
all the epg management is now in the menu settings including the ryvix option go to menu/setup/system/epg

24-07-11, 16:16
Hi Basset.

Sorry, perhaps I should have mentioned it, but I have already done that.
What is also eluding me is the fact that I can no longer see the Picons option for saving in usb!!!
I just ftp's my Picon pack sucessfully to the usb.


24-07-11, 16:26
Go to blue button then vix menue/mount manager then mount your usb as /media/usb then restart box

then add your picons to the usb device if you still cant see the picons then

open epg guide then menu and select show picons save and you might need a gui start to take effect

24-07-11, 16:35
I have managed to force my picon pack via ftp.
I have mounted the usb several times, but I think the issue is that there is no UID.
Normally when I had the option to actually format the drive in the box, it would then work ok.
This option in the new image has now gone.
I have exhausted all avenues, and am now at a loss.
It's not a new USB stick

24-07-11, 16:54

Some sucess.
I have now insalled a new USB drive and the EPG populates now after I mounted it.
Still no option to store picons, but is not an issue as I FTP'd them to the USB directly.

Finally is all ok.

How strange.

The reason that I upgraded to the latest image was because I could not get the EPG to work.
Now I have replaced it, hey presto, tho upon formatting the old USB, and remounting it it simply wont show the saved EPG.dat no matter what I do!!!!
Very odd is that.

Cheers lads.

24-07-11, 18:17
for epg.dat to save to a USB it HAS to setup using the mount manager, BUT it HAS to formatted with ext3 (linux type, fat32 is NOT support in ViX for picons/epg.dat) to format it go to SETUP --> HARDISK and format it with that.

then setup using Mount Manager. and reboot

25-07-11, 22:55
Thanks Andy.

Already sorted by replacing the USB.
All perfect now:thumbsup: