View Full Version : Mirror HDMI/Scart output as a web stream?

22-07-11, 17:03
Hi everyone,

Im wondering is there a way either by plugin or software that id be able to view the same video & audio stream thats output via the scart or hdmi outputs - but via a web stream?

Im looking for the ability to have say a fixed address which you could view on a pc/mac in the same house and in turn use the remote and zap freely and get the same output as if you were sat in front of the main tv (video, audio, osd, menus etc)

Is there anything or am I wishfully thinking :)

The reason I ask is im looking to use my newly delivered 27" imac to replace the existing LCD TV thats residing in the front room. There isnt currently a HDMI to Thunderbolt converter that would allow the Vu Duo to plug directly into it :(

This would solve my issue, and in essence use the imac as a tv, and most importantly be wife friendly :) ;)

Hope that makes sense and thanks in advance

22-07-11, 17:14
you can use the webinterface to stream another channel on a pc/mac. you have a duo so you can either view the same channel via the webinterface or view another channel. to access the webinterface you need to access your duo's ip address and webinterface http port (which can be found in the plugins menu). in your browser you will enter something like this http://192.168.x.x:80 (80 being the default webinterface http port)

22-07-11, 17:57
Hi and thanks for the quick reply, thats not quite what im after....

Im looking to break away from the drop down selections for channel changes etc via the web interface, and in its place have a stream that mirrors the output that would come via the scart/hdmi.

If possible id like to have an ip address that is exactly the same as the scart/hdmi output, so I can leave it on that address and use the remote and still use it for channel up/down, epg, menus etc as in a standard tv output if you like.

I know what I mean but dont think its coming across that well :)

Ive been using the web interface and also vlc to stream from the duo to the mac and its been stunning. The issue I have is, erm...... the wife. Having being used to quick channel changes with the remote I dont think it would go down well to say - heres the web interface just pick the channel from the drop down lists and your off.

Dont get me wrong the web front end is amazing, and have been using it to watch streams at work - but just looking to tweak it slightly so Ive that same output as you'd expect to a standard TV but via the web front end.

Hope thats a bit more sense, and thanks again