View Full Version : [ET9x00] No HD channels on Cyfra+/Hot Bird 13E

22-07-11, 01:17
I have recently bougth new Xtrend ET9000 for Canal+ Paid Subscription. I have genuine CAM HD for that. My problem is that after downlading newest channel list (with bouquets- whatever it means...) I still have problem with HD channels reception. It finds channels and for a brief second it displays digital distorted mosaique and it drops. The only HD channel I have is MTV. I downloaded newest Vix software and tried to upgrade cam with newest software as well. I use 2 LBN outputs from this sky Zone2 set:

Both LNB are set to single/simple HotBirdE13
SNR signal is 80-90% but there is no AGC signal at all... constant 0%.
My main suspicion is that antenna or LNB is not good enough and for now I was going to buy Inverto Ultra Black for that dish. Just need to confirm the cause of the signal and AGC loss is among antenna part. If so- would it be enough to change only LNB or will I need bigger dish? Or maybe a cause lays somewhare else? Please help

22-07-11, 01:58
have you got the reciever required by the card provider?? or an alternitive reciever?? if so, try the card in those units to test

not to sure, but also try cccam, and standard config


oh..and welcome to the forum

22-07-11, 07:17
Have you tried doing scan of Hotbird in case your settings / bouquets are not fully up to date?

Check alignment of your current dish.

To let you know, if you want to use a Inverto Ultra LNB on your dish you will need 40mm LNB adapter bracket / holder for the Sky dish. Send our sponsor a pm ;)

22-07-11, 19:31
Thank You for warm reception on the forum and for fast replies.
1st- @basil- I don't have other receivers unfortunately- I have installed cccam 2.2.1 - ipk file and newest config- as it was. As I'm still a noobie down there- I have no idea what else I can do with that.I want to learn all it's features but it will take time and it's really hard to find a proper tutorial for that. So I put it in and started it on autostart and that would be it.
@Sicilian: My buquets setting should be all right (HotBird newest update for HDTV from 19/07/11) and you can even see EPG details for all HD channels. With some- the one with signal over 90%- you can even see a scrap of picture on the top for a short sec and intermittent sound play- after all I think it behaves like there is not enough signal strenght for some of HD channels- even with 89% SNR (MTV -only HD channel with good reception has 83% SNR). Programs with completly black picture - have signal of as low as 75% and it must reach 90% to have this distorted flashes. My dish gives max from it's possition- it was set up with sat finder and correct tilt settings so even small move towards eighter side wil reduce signal...

Reassuming- have I set up CCCam corectly or there is something more to be done, and do you think that it is signal play around there and should new LNB help in there ( with adapter- will let our sponsor to earn some grants again:) as I've bought receiver from them last time:) well- if they are cheap enough:))
I think the only other option is - too weak tuner or codec problem- as you can clearly see the channel is there and it runs it's EPG info without a problem.

Is it ok that AGC signal is always 0%?? Or maybe it's another suggestion for dish/LNB problem here?

Thanks a lot for help


22-07-11, 22:02
i use 1 1.1m td110 to access hotbird. i have found that i have had to slightly turn the lnb to get better hd reception. just make sure that when you are turning the lnb that the bracket is not too tight otherwise you will break it when turning the lnb

22-07-11, 23:43
1.1m ouch... is it really necessary? That's quite a dish... Well if it's the must then it's the must- will try with new LNB then will go for a bigger dish then. Considering clouds and signal drop know- programs that were there only lagging mosaique are all gone- so it's almost sure that it's signal issue...
Could you tell me how to use CCCam or give me a trace to the good link for that subject? Do I need to use left Receiver's slots instead of CAM module for my subscription card? Sorry for off topic...

23-07-11, 00:32
if using cccam....do not use a hard cam,...use the reader slots instead, chip down,,,restart cccam, and think that will solve your problem...hope fully

23-07-11, 00:46
THX basil... thank you very much- you just saved me unnecessaly spendings... all works flawlessly now!!

23-07-11, 01:00
just pleased to have "guessed" correctly, :eek:

happy to have helped, enjoy the forum, and your unit/viewing
