View Full Version : [ET9x00] ViX Team ClarkeTech/Xtrend ET9000 Image v2.2.100 - 21/07/2011

21-07-11, 21:39

New VIX Image ET9000 - v2.2.100
21/07/2011 - Open ViX 2.2.100
Based on Open PLi 2.0


From VIX Team

Enigma: 21-07-2011.
Enigma Plugins: 21-07-2011.
GCC Version: 4.4.4.
Kernel Version: 2.6.18.
Drivers: 2011-06-25.

If you wish to perform an online update, then you will be able to upgrade your v2.2 image to v2.2.1 via the online functions. This full image is available for those who do not have online functionality on their box, or wish to perform a full reflash...

Team ViX Enchancements

New Features

BackupManager - Lets you create scheduled backups of your system files (not full Image like Image Manager).
RestoreWizard - This a wizard that detects and restores you backup (created with BackupManager), with option to restore your extra plugins.
ImageManager - Major code rewrite, now handled by Job task, view progress of image creation in extension list (blue button)
ViX Menu - Added PackageManagement & Software Update, so SoftwareManager is now not needed. It is also now translatable into different languages.
NetworkInadyn - Add new network setup screen Inadyn.
OScam/CCam Info - Added options to show in Extension List. (the Menu item will now only show IF the softcam is installed).
OnlineVersionCheck - Added option to disable online check by setting check value to '0' and set a maximun timer to 48 hours.
Recording List - Added a new option in MovieList Settings to use a "Slim" list like the "Slim" Channel slection screen.
EPG Graphical - This is now in core, no longer a plugin (was ViXEPG), added the option to show Bouquets on launch.
EPG Menu - Add Load/Save item, this allow you reload/save the EPG cache.
E2-Plugin's - Updated all to plugin's to the latest GIT from PLi.
ZAP Timer - This will create a zap timer (rather than a recording timer) for the selected event in the EPG/Single EPG etc. To activate this, select the event from the EPG, and do a long button press on the record button. This is a non-configurable timer, so will use all defaults, and just set the record to a zap, rather than a record. When adding a zap timer, the clock icon will show on the previous event. This is to do with the pre-start timer.


SwapManager - Code cleanup, for better activation/detecion.
About Screen - Updated infomation screen, better layout, more information. VFD now shows image version.
EPG Search - Fix a bug where the yellow button just opened a blank EPGSearch screen instead of actually perfoming a search on the current event. Also, added 'Show History' to long yellow button press whilst in EPGSearch.
EPG Cache - Updated so now it does not require 2 reboots in order to use new location.
EventView - Fix GS on opening Similar List.
PluginBrowser - fix it not installing picons.
ShoutCast - Fixed plugin.
SoftcamManager - Add Timercheck for OScam to support no username or password in Webif, fix GS when pressing coloured buttons, if no softcams installed, also code clean up.
Translation - Updated NL language files.
Permantent TimeShift fix and embed PTS.
Updated KeyMap - Fixes a few MoviePlayer remote control issues.
ViX HD skin - PNG fix for selected items in lists, Tweaked the Jobview screen, 'New Online Version' icon now flashes to remind you of an update.
VIXEPG fix - The < > keys for jumping +/- 1 day.
NetworkBrowser - fix GS when creating CIFS mounts.
RemoteSetup fix GS when showCoolTVGuide is selected.

[B]Button Mappings

Short Red** & *** - Show current channel EPG info (ViX Single EPG).
Long Red*** - Show current event.
Short Green** & *** - Timers.
Long Green*** - AutoTimer Timers.
Short Yellow*** - EPG Search.
Long Yellow*** - IMDB Database.
Short Blue - Extensions.
Long Blue*** - Plugins Menu.
EPG - Opens ViX EPG.
Left/Right** - Opens ViX QuickEPG.
Left/Right** - Opens ViX QuickEPG.
Up/Down** - Open Full Screen Channel List.
Long Up/Down** - Open Simple TV List.
TV Button** - Open Full Screen Channel List.
Long TV Button - Open Bouquets List.

** Can be changed in ViX Menu
*** Can be turned off in ViX Menu

Known Bugs

Second subtitles in AVI, MP4 etc often need a stepskip to enable them to show up.
Shoutcast has no genrelists and menu is not working.

Special Thanks

rytec - for his continued support.
PLi Team for their great base image and allowing us to use it.
zoka.cc for his Picon sets
Coolman and all other developers for their plugins used in the feeds of this image.
All of the ViX Beta team for their hours of testing and dedication on getting this image and DTT working


About Screen:

Backup Manager:

Backup Manager Settings:

Backup Manager File Selection:

Restore Wizard 1:

Restore Wizard 2:

Restore Wizard 3:

ViX Menu:

Inadyn Manager:

Inadyn Manager Settings:

EPG Menu:

Softcam Settings:



22-07-11, 12:12
Great work again guys. Did an online update everything worked ok . Only thing went a bit funny was EPG with picons. Set it up as instructions on this site and worked again but only in VIX hd skin, if i use another skin, vali hd or glass 16, it only shows up as about 1/3 of the size. Can somebody check this for me, maybe its my setup.

22-07-11, 12:22
can u post a screenshot of what u mean?

22-07-11, 12:33
will do later when home. best way to explain it is if you are watching a sd programme on hd channel it goes to 4.3 instead of 16.9.thus nay using up the centre of the screen and about 2 to 3 inches missing on each side.

22-07-11, 12:39
have u tried changing the a/v settings to just scale and seeing if that works

22-07-11, 12:41
yip. worked fine before the update. And if i use vix hd skin no problem so must be my skins that i am using, no big issue. can use vix hd skin.

22-07-11, 14:11
Looks like a skin issue otherwise would do with other skins as well.

25-07-11, 20:59
With the latest version Glass 16, 3.00 It seems to be ok.

29-07-11, 08:08
Hi there ...

i only want to say "thank you" for this image ... and now with the "New Online Version" flashing icon it's so easy to see
if there are new online-updates available ... great !

CU No.Trace !!

31-07-11, 16:25
Hi just want to say my epg is sorted now. I went into mange extensions and updated 19 extensions. I already had done an online software update to 2.2.1. Just wanted to say thanks again great image hasn't crashed once ..

02-08-11, 10:53
Thanks a lot.

10-09-11, 20:01
when is new image ready

10-09-11, 20:04
when is new image ready

It will be released when Andy and the team are happy that it is suitable for public release appreciate this is not what you want to hear but any date given will only set us up for more threads and posts, well its the 6th or 7th, you get the idea.

As the image is continually being improved on hopefully it will not be too far before its ready for public release.

18-09-11, 16:12
new image?

no real need to continue making these posts. as stated we are very close to release but as things are tested and fixed sometimes other issues arise. the image will be released when we are fully satisfied that it is ready for public release. and yes it is also based on open pli but i use the term based very loosely as andy puts many hundreds of hours into coding and new developments into our image that we use and pli may not.

22-10-11, 22:47
go Andy!!!:thumbsup:

23-10-11, 15:28
good work! :fart2:

28-10-11, 12:19
Summary of an Enigma2-Beginner

After using a DM7000 for 5 years, approximately 3 weeks ago I bought an Clarke-Tech ET9100 and after a couple of trials with other images (mainly Egami Multiboot), I have been using it with ViX 2.2.100 for 2 week now.
I am using a couple of plugins. The system is switched to the German language.

To cut a long story short:
This is a very stable, reliable and easy to use image for the ET9100/ET9000.

Nevertheless, I found a couple of inconveniences, typo errors and bugs.
Compliance with Bootloader
As there were contradictory statements in various forums regarding compliance with (and downgrade-ability from) the new ET9x00 bootloaders, I did not dare to install it, in particular, as making back-ups and - even more important - flashing back to a previous image-backup works perfectly with the ViX image.
Therefore, I was not able to test any OpenPLI image.
- It might be nice to use only one button (suggestion: [Exit]) to exit from all levels of setup-up menus.
I found that sometimes you have to press [Red], sometimes even other buttons to exit a menu.
- It might be quite nice - just for more convenient handling - to have numbers in front of the menu-items in the main menu and other menus, which contain more then 3 items
- Typo Error: System menu: "Aufnahme-Einsstellung" is wrong. It should be "Aufnahme-Einstellung"
- Visibility of Progressbar in MediaPlayer / Enhanced Movie Center:
I did not find a button (other than the [Marker]) to bring up the progressbar during movie-watching in order to check the status of the movie. Just to be honest: I did not search very thoroughly.
Picture Viewer
Size and Quality
Just to explain:
All my pictures use 1080 pixel as hight to comply with the native resolution of my TV (Sony KDL 40W2000). I.e. Portrait: 810x1080 / Landscape: 1440x1080.

In the beginning, i thought that the size of my pictures is not shown correctly and quality of the pictures is much worse compared to the pictures, which are presented from my Netbook to the same TV.
To solve a different problem, I played around with positioning and size of the OSD (using ViX skin). I found that changing this also changes the output of my pictures.
In the end of the day the result is: PictureViewer does not use the normal screen feeding (controled by the autosettings), but uses the settings of the skin in use. As the ViX skin does not allow to use the entire screen, I changed to the magic screen and got perfect pictures on my TV.

Bottom Line:
In order to get the best out of your pictures, just use a skin which is expandable to the full screen-size and expand it to the maximum.
CIFS Mounts
Transmission Speed
The starting point was: I was not able to watch 726x504 *.mpg movies, which were located on the CIFS share. It was always jerking extremely.
(My network: Wired 100baseT with no significant traffic on it.)
I did not find a way to have the CIFS-mount working on the normal speed:

So I did the following tests:
a) Copy a large file from the PC to the HD of the ET9000. The transmission speed was ~95 Mb (in other words more or less perfect)
b) Copy the same file from the PC to the same HD of the ET9000 by using the internal file-browser. The transmission speed was ~2 Mb. Well, 2Mb (not MB) is too slow for DVD quality over the network.

This to my extend prooves, that the hardware is OK, but the CIFS mount does not provide enough speed for some reasons.

Right now my work-around is: I copy all my *.mpg file to the HD of the ET9000 and load/watch them from there.

BTW: I still do have a image-backup of my egami-trials. So if someone is interested in the same tests - as described above - with Egami-image, I could do so. Personally I believe the speed was sufficient with the Egami image, but would not bet a high amount on it.
CIFS setup
- Setting up one mount works correctly by using the "new mount" installation-routine of the enigma menu in FSTAB mode. In "enigma2" mode, i was never able to get any mount.
- Setting up a second mount (to a different PC) looks like it works well. It is shown under "available network mounts" (no connection). However, it will never connect.
- Deactivating the mount: Whenever you deactive this mount, the system generates an endless, not-interuptable reboot loop. The only way, to get rid of this endless loop, is: Switch off the ET9000 hardware-wise. Reflash it to the last working image. Let it boot. This is a really weird behaviour.
I assume it has to do with the storage routine, if someone changes these settings.

Bottom line:
Do not use CIFS mounts with this image. This one definately needs some improvements in order to make it usable.

29-10-11, 13:15
After a lot of trial and erros, i found a way to get a temporarily working CIFS mount:

- Use Telnet

- Unmount the slow mount by using:
umount /media/kom

- check that no other mount is there to /media/kom by using:

- mount the CIFS share by using:
mount -t cifs // /media/kom -o ro,username=XXXX,password=XXXX,rsize=8192,wsize=81 92

Strange but really true: Most important is the low buffersize!

However, this mount of course is gone after a reboot.
As the networkmaqnagement is buggy as mentioned above: Can anyone tell me, where to enter this command (which file(s)), in order to mount the CIFS during booting?
(Automounts.xml in /etc/enigma2 is not the solution - I tried this already).

05-11-11, 21:43
Why is the skin for the vu plus?

05-11-11, 22:53
Why is the skin for the vu plus?

sorry ehat do you mean by that

08-11-11, 09:52
In the end of the day, I found a solution to get the (fast) CIFS-mount permanently.
It is a bit tricky, however, it works:

0) As usual: Create a full image-backup of your system before you start!

1) Delete all mounts (if any) by using the mount manager under Menu/settings/system/network/mount-manager/edit mounts
(or similar, as I am using the German version)

2) Delete all mounts by using the telnet command
"umount /media/xxx"
"umount /media/net/xxx"
(xxx is your enigma2 mountpoint for the network-mount)

repeatedly if necessary.
(To check if all mount are deleted use the telnet-command "mount")

3) Reboot

4) Install a CIFS-mount in the "normal" way:
Menu/settings/system/network/mount-manager/add new mount
(well knowing that the transmission speed will be rather low)

5) Change the options entry in the "automount.xml" file (it is located in "root/etc/enigma2")



5) Change the network portion in the "fstab" file (it is located in "root/etc")

//192.168.nnn.nnn/"yourPCsshare" /media/net/"yourE2mount" cifs rw,username="Your PC-share username",password="Your PC-share userpassword",_netdev 0 0

//192.168.nnn.nnn/"yourPCsshare" /media/net/"yourE2mount" cifs rw,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,username="Your PC-share username",password="Your PC-share userpassword",_netdev 0 0

6) Reboot

That's it! Now your mount will work at a decent speed.

BTW: I was using FileZilla as ftp-client, DCC for applying the telnet commands.