View Full Version : Webinterface causing greenscreen loop. What am i doing wrong?

16-07-11, 00:37

I have asked in regards to this problem previously but managed to rectify the problem by telneting in and removing the 'plugin.pyo' file. This allows it to get past the green screen loop, i can then copy the file back in and reboot the image for the Webinterface plugin to work again.

It is obvious that I am setting it up incorrectly, but I dont what this it. Image has been working fine for a couple of months until today.

Crash log file it attached.


16-07-11, 00:40
have you updated the image, if not...best to,///

menu/image manager/online update

16-07-11, 08:09
The crash is because port 80 was selected for webinterface and its already in use. Try using a different port and that should stop it green screening. Also you might want to update ur image to the latest 2.2 as you are currently running 2.1

16-07-11, 21:52
Thanks for the guidance guys, I was looking at 2.2 which I'll attempt updating tomorrow.

In regards to the ports, I did have it on a selected port of 7861 which also caused the green screen loop previously. Hence why I left the settings standard this time around which is preset at port 80.

Do you think that it is a clash with my router where I am assigning the duo box to the port, when I dyndns in?

Many thanks for your input.

16-07-11, 22:40
No because the port u assign in the web interface plugin is the same port u need to forward into ur router if u want to use ur dyndns to access the box. Have you installed any other plugins as i know i had a similar issie when using project valerie and chosing the same port that clashed with the web interface

16-07-11, 22:56
I hav,nt bother,d with the web interface on the duo, but on the dreambox, i used to stream to my lappy, and used port 90 instead of 80, ( I hav,nt checked the vix image..to see if the image will allow this ) to access the web interface ( streaming was done via other port settings )

i doubt if its a problem with the router, its more likely to be unit related or image related

as it is, I have searched the image options, and cant find an option to change port 80 to 90, or what ever

so port 80 as far as I can see, is it

16-07-11, 22:58
You can change it via the web interface plugin in the plugins menu. Default port for http is 00080 but ive changed it to 01333 lol jus to be random

16-07-11, 23:07
You can change it via the web interface plugin in the plugins menu. Default port for http is 00080 but ive changed it to 01333 lol jus to be random

thanks,.....I guessed it could be done, but could,nt suss it

goes to show how long ago it was, since I last messed with streaming

16-07-11, 23:16
Yeh im a stream nut over here lol stream wherever and whenever i get the chance lol

17-07-11, 01:16
No because the port u assign in the web interface plugin is the same port u need to forward into ur router if u want to use ur dyndns to access the box. Have you installed any other plugins as i know i had a similar issie when using project valerie and chosing the same port that clashed with the web interface

Im just using the default web interface plugin on the image. Am I correct in saying that there is a clash in the webinterface when listening into the port set. Which is also set on my router to forward to the vu box.

Anyhow, I'll try 2.2 when I wake up. Hopefully the update resolves this issue.

19-12-12, 22:50
Hi, I am having the same problem as I stupidly configured the same port as openwebif.

How do I get past the green screen to change the port back to 00080?

19-12-12, 23:34
I managed to fix it by FTP into the box, and deleting the folder where the plugin was saved

Rob van der Does
20-12-12, 06:38
I managed to fix it by FTP into the box, and deleting the folder where the plugin was saved
That's indeed an immediate cure.
But don't forget to de-install the plugin the normal way as well, otherwise OPKG still stinks it to be installed.

20-12-12, 12:42
cheers... will do