View Full Version : vu+ duo short power cut

12-07-11, 20:27
In recent times we have experienced power cuts of the matter of milliseconds which have left me with red light on vu+ display (deep standby) after the event. now phoenix has been a huge help on this but the reality is that when i simply turn off the power at the plug and immediately turn it on the vu+ recovers perfectly. now i have had an oversurge protector on the box for some time but i decided to directly connect it to the power outlet in case this was causing the problem. however no such luck. its seems like that one of the phases of the AC is lost momentarily and when restored the box will not restart. Does anyone have any idea what type of gizmo i could put in place to ensure the vu+ does restart after a very short power interruption. i have a dm500 in my bedroom and it comes back online without issue

12-07-11, 21:01
You could buy something like this:


Has 4 sockets which are just surge protected, and another 4 which are surge protected and ups (uninterruptible power supply). At max, should last up to 5 mins on ups... So, if you connect tv, video, dvd and duo to the 4 ups devices, you should never have any problems when you loose power for a few milliseconds. Even if it's a few minutes, will give you enough time to properly power them down when all the other power in the house goes down...

12-07-11, 23:11
pooface, well experienced in ups systems. just didn't think there was one out there at this value. many thanks. just bought it. great advise

12-07-11, 23:17
pooface, well experienced in ups systems. just didn't think there was one out there at this value. many thanks. just bought it. great advise

Was quite shocked to find one at such a cheap price myself...

You'll have to let us know how you get on with it ;)

12-07-11, 23:22
that i promise. it has been my nemesis in life where i go on holidays and my vu dies because of these darn power cuts. never happens when i'm sitting at home

12-07-11, 23:25
and yes i do have a dm500 in the holiday home which i supply from my vu. so it bugs me when the vu suddenly dies when i'm on holidays

13-07-11, 03:24
do apologize, bid on this h**p://cgi.ebay.ie/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200627118460&ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT . should do the job.

25-07-11, 00:32
and there it is. had a power cut today and had the unit in place. system stayed as normal. pooface you are a knowledge base. solid advise

25-07-11, 01:23
and while i hate parting with money such advise has inspired me to donate to this forum once again. what a great job ye guys do. no forum to even compare with this one

25-07-11, 01:29
pleased you are happy with the forum, and the advice you have recieved, and thanks for your welcome comments, it lets us know,..that we are getting the job done, and your donation, is very welcome too


25-07-11, 07:43
Glad all working perfectly for you :) And again, thanks for the donation to keep the forum up and running :)

25-07-11, 13:24
You could buy something like this:


Has 4 sockets which are just surge protected, and another 4 which are surge protected and ups (uninterruptible power supply). At max, should last up to 5 mins on ups... So, if you connect tv, video, dvd and duo to the 4 ups devices, you should never have any problems when you loose power for a few milliseconds. Even if it's a few minutes, will give you enough time to properly power them down when all the other power in the house goes down...

Must be a small TV for that UPS :)

25-07-11, 14:17
? don't need tv on ups. have only vu and internet modem on ups. all other devices such as tv, ps3 etc.. are just connected into the normal surge protection outlets as it really doesn't matter if they lose power during a power cut