View Full Version : [ET9x00] Whats cW95?

11-07-11, 16:29

i've just reinstalled vix 2.1 :D and i needed to format the usb pen it's mounted ok at /media/usb and displayed as /dev/sdb1 and i thought it would format it to ext3 but it's not it's formatted it to as per title cW95, the HDD was formatted some time ago in the box and has always showed as linux no matter what image.

how can i get to format the pen to linux please?

regards: canthackit

11-07-11, 16:37
ok after clicking everything and anything i've managed to get it formatted to ext3 :D

i'd still like to know what cW95 is though:confused:

regards: canthackit

12-07-11, 13:17
FAT32 formatted with windows