View Full Version : CCCam install issue and CCcam testing

10-07-11, 23:08
Hi everyone,

Sorry in advance for my poor english, I'm a french native.
So, I received this wonderful vu+ duo box 2 days ago. I'm now starting to explore its incredible potential and possibilities, which sounds really exciting to me!

Thanks to the excellent tutorials I found here, I successfully updated the box with the lastest VIX image. I also have access to the Vu+ Duo from my computer using the ftp connection, which sounds like an encouraging start for a complete noob like me! :p

I'm now trying to get this CCCAM stuff installed on the Vu+ and I'm at a point where I feel a bit... stuck. :(

To summarize: I uploaded the "enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam.2.2.1_1.0-r0_mipsel.ipk" with Filezilla in the tmp directory of the box. I also completed the install on the Vu+ using the ipk installer. Everything went fine. But now that I would like to activate the CCAM in the softcam manager, I've got an error message telling me that "no CCCAM.cfg file can be found". I took a closer look in etc folder and actually, there are two CCcam.channelinfo and CCcam.providers files but no CCcam.cfg.

So... What did I do wrong??? Am I supposed to create this file on my own or did I missed something in the procedure? And last but not least: Is there a way for me to test my CCcam configuration?

Many thanks in advance for your help!

10-07-11, 23:34
U need to create that file yourself in order to use cccam and put it in the /etc/ folder then start the cam

11-07-11, 09:01
So... What did I do wrong??? Am I supposed to create this file on my own or did I missed something in the procedure? And last but not least: Is there a way for me to test my CCcam configuration?

Many thanks in advance for your help!

VIX does not provide you with a CCcam.cfg file so as punisher said you will need to create one your self and place it into /ETC on your receiver.