View Full Version : CCcam 2.2.1 Keeps Stopping

08-07-11, 21:01
I'm running VIX 2.2 and CCcam 2.2.1 and have no major problems until the last couple of nights.

Every few minutes my picture freezes but restarting CCcam gets things running again.

I don't know whether this is related but I've just installed some devolo dlan 200 AVpass homeplugs to replace my wireless belkin usb adaptor

Any suggestions what could be causing this.

08-07-11, 21:02
Activate warnings log in CCcam.cfg and check it after an hour or so.

08-07-11, 21:13
Will give that a go after I've learn't how to add the line to the config file, only got a C line in it at the moment lol

08-07-11, 21:17
# write wrong logins to file
# defaults is off
#LOG WARNINGS : /tmp/warnings.txt

Above is the explaination
Your line must look like this.

LOG WARNINGS : /tmp/warnings.txt

You must restart CCcam to activate it and you must stop it after an hour or so and check it, don't let it fill up over night

08-07-11, 21:20
... I don't know whether this is related but I've just installed some devolo dlan 200 AVpass homeplugs to replace my wireless belkin usb adaptor

Any suggestions what could be causing this.

Was it working prior to installing those homeplugs?

08-07-11, 21:36
Donnie, thanks for the help, had set up just the one line so have added your suggestion

punisher - don't think so, homeplug been in place for a couple of weeks, had just started to play with dyndns and portforwarding but hadn't quite got that working, wondered too if that may have had an impact

08-07-11, 21:46
Hi chaps, got to go out so I'll undo cfg file changes for the moment and pick this up tomorrow if I can - cheers so far

09-07-11, 12:24
Mate no card sharing talk is allowed on the forums and referringt o C Lines def is.

As for your problem did it start after any updates as you might need to enable telenet in the CFG file, as SC MGR needs it enabled to check CCcam is running.

09-07-11, 12:38
Hi stanman, sorry about that reference, I know the rules :)

I have today added ALLOW TELNETINFO = YES to my cfg file which has resolved a minor error I was getting for checking if CCcam was frozen or not but this freezing was happening before and is still continuing. I've tried setting up a log file as suggested but nothing is being written to it so far. Of possible interest I have just recently installed the dyndns plug-in and problems may have started just after that but sadly I can't remember.

I have established it's not the homeplug as I am testing with a wireless adapter this morning and the same thing is happening.

I'm going to re-install CCcam and if that doesn't work, re-flash the image. Then if that doesn't work I'm going to call a pal about 'off topic subjects'

But any suggestions welcome.

09-07-11, 12:45
The answer to your glitching is in post 3. Talks of that must end though.

09-07-11, 12:50
Understood and thought that might be the case, many thanks Stanman