View Full Version : VU+ permanent starting issue

08-07-11, 17:53
This morning turned on tv and Vu+ Duo receiver and it froze on 'starting' and despite switiching everything on and off numrous times, going to work,coming in and trying now still no joy. Has this problem been reported before and if so what was the solution - re-install of image?:mad:

Nothing was done to the rec before this glich started. Waiting in antcipation. & thanks for reading.
Image is VIX version 2.0

08-07-11, 18:26
try reflashing with the latest 2.2 vix image and then doing an online software update and then try setting your box backup and see if that works

08-07-11, 18:52
Flashed with vix 2.2 and now scanning so boot working many thanks.

09-07-11, 12:28
I have had the "starting" message once and left it off for 30 minute and it sorted itself out but other than that reflash as you found is the other solution.

09-07-11, 18:08
moved and tagged