View Full Version : My low post count..(true,but tongue in cheek)

29-06-11, 19:16
Dear all,

By visiting this forum more than a few times a day, i've found every answer regarding the vu+ duo that i've been looking for.

Therefore i've never needed to post a question = low post count.

When i've spotted a question that i can answer myself..the more nimble fingered members have beaten me to it.
And believe me i've tried many times..

Therefore i've never answered anyones questions = low post count.

Pheonix will tell you i'm old and may only posses two brain cells,but i'm trying to look like i'm joining in hehe.

Thank you all...:confused:

29-06-11, 19:19
lol I know what you mean, the few I can answer some one else has beaten me to it, but thats the best thing about the forum, there are always helpful people around.

29-06-11, 19:44
damn stanman beat me to it! lol :)

29-06-11, 19:51
It was that window of opprtunity, had to grab it fast:D:p

29-06-11, 19:52
lol bob mate, it this your way of saying there are way too many gob shites on the forum ?.

29-06-11, 19:57
lol bob mate, it this your way of saying there are way too many gob shites on the forum ?.

thats no way to talk about sic phoenix mate :roflmao:bob i know what you mean mate dont worry you cant be older than me lol

29-06-11, 20:07
lol bob mate, it this your way of saying there are way too many gob shites on the forum ?.

Erm...errrr... I've tried so many variations of a reply to answer that... but it still comes back to ....knowledgable gob shites... in the nicest possible way.

29-06-11, 20:33
Erm...errrr... I've tried so many variations of a reply to answer that... but it still comes back to ....knowledgable gob shites... in the nicest possible way.

HAHAHAHAHA good answer.

29-06-11, 22:35
Well sooner or later, you will get to help out someone, ( best chances are in the early hours, so long as silverfox has gone to bed )

but at the end of the day, there are many fast keyboard merchants here, just enjoy the forum, but thanks for posting your welcome comments
