View Full Version : imdb download failed

28-06-11, 17:46

Can't get the imdb feature to work

I can access the list of queries, but try to look at an individual review, message "download failed" apperas
It happens everytime any ideas?

Thanks in advance

28-06-11, 19:36
working fine here on vix 2.2 on vu duo just tried it on a few programmes

28-06-11, 19:50
working fine here on vix 2.2 on vu duo just tried it on a few programmes

same here on the Uno with VIX 2.2

28-06-11, 20:45
using latest version vix 2.2



28-06-11, 20:48
does it do it for every single option u chose for the movie "Salt" or just 1 or 2?

28-06-11, 20:53
Mine always does this, not had an imdb result yet

28-06-11, 21:02
ive never had a problem really other than the other show nothing showing a result but majority showing fine. i dont know what i have different from you guys in my settings but something must be not be allowing a connection to maybe imdb plugin or something im not too sure

28-06-11, 23:58
does it do it for every single option u chose for the movie "Salt" or just 1 or 2?

Any option that is chosen gives the same result.... download failed

29-06-11, 00:13
i've had this issue for a couple of months now. thought everyone had?
clean install of VIX 2.2 with online updates & the problem persists.

29-06-11, 00:56
this is jus goin for a shot in the dark as i have no idea what could be causing the issue lol but what epg provider do you guys use outa curiosity?

29-06-11, 02:02
i've had this issue for a couple of months now. thought everyone had?
clean install of VIX 2.2 with online updates & the problem persists.

Same here clean install 2.2 + this happened with 2.1 too

this is jus goin for a shot in the dark as i have no idea what could be causing the issue lol but what epg provider do you guys use outa curiosity?

Same happens on the full VIX epg & the single channel epg ... download failed

29-06-11, 02:10
Nol i mean as in crossepg or xmltv open tv n sky uk

29-06-11, 07:06
Crossepg, but I tried again yesterday and I got multiple results for salt

29-06-11, 07:31
still working fine here, just tried it a few minutes ago on Sky Atlantic HD with a episode of startrek.

29-06-11, 10:40
Yeh i have been trying mine too and still it functions pretty well

29-06-11, 11:17
Nol i mean as in crossepg or xmltv open tv n sky uk

Sorry I wasn't sure of the name of the epgs but it exactly the same epgs as the ones that pheonix has shown

Punisher + pheonix do you have an et9000 to test this ?

29-06-11, 11:19
i got duo n solo pheonix got uno but im sure we can ask others to try it out too

29-06-11, 11:23
Just come across this post


29-06-11, 11:25
yeh that was back in end of 2010 but even then the imdb plugin was still working as it is for others, not sure why its giving you failed results

29-06-11, 12:42
Also results are not coming back for well known films

Tested it a few times on different well known films but doesn't find any results, which does find the films, if I test directly through the imdb website

eg "get him to the greek" & "Crimson Tide"

Seems to be very hit & miss

29-06-11, 13:02
example of a query direct on the site

Tried in both epgs no results

looked at the imdbquery.html in the tmp folders & it shows


It would suggest that it doesn't like URL encoding or the page isn't being parsed

29-06-11, 13:07
further update

Just looked at the imdbquery2.html before I did a search for salt which comes back as download failed

sreenshot of salt in imdbquery2.html

So it looks like a parsing issue not sure

29-06-11, 13:29
im not sure as ive just done what u have and the imdbquery.html and imdbquery2.html both correspond to the searchs i have made and the urls parse correctly too. you say you are using crossepg are you using OpenTV and the sky uk provider or are u using something else?

29-06-11, 13:53
im not sure as ive just done what u have and the imdbquery.html and imdbquery2.html both correspond to the searchs i have made and the urls parse correctly too. you say you are using crossepg are you using OpenTV and the sky uk provider or are u using something else?

Yes using crossepg
Using OpenTV and the sky uk provider plus XMLTV for French TV

29-06-11, 17:51
Just found this

[CODE]http://openpli.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=openpli/plugins-enigma2;a=commit;h=aa6e49b90fc43d18f455b856a4f8295 5b66cbd9a

http://openpli.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=openpli/plugins-enigma2;a=commit;h=3c487aa2083f78a027a66d4f4c04014 ab8c8283d

Not sure if it related?

29-06-11, 18:22
i couldnt tell ya mate i just tested on the solo and checked a loada programs on a load of different channels and got all the results without any problems. ill see if andy can figure something out but if its working for most of us im not sure what he will be able to say or do

29-06-11, 18:24
Ok Thanks punisher

29-06-11, 19:18
this is jus goin for a shot in the dark as i have no idea what could be causing the issue lol but what epg provider do you guys use outa curiosity?

I'm using CrossEPG / OpenTV / Sky Uk Open TV (Astra on 28.2) & never get IMDB details.
Will try another provider & see if it works.

30-06-11, 18:31
imdb doesn't work for me either on latest vix , I just get "no IMDB match " on everything I try , same results using cross epg and xmltv importer

30-06-11, 18:51
tried switching to CrossEPG / XMLTV / Rytec UK XMLTV & same results, no IMDB match on all searches.

30-06-11, 18:53
just wait for the next update as i think the reason it is working for us and not for you guys is cuz we are on a different version that andy has fixed the imdb issue in. so bare with us and it should be arite in the next update

17-07-11, 17:47
just wait for the next update as i think the reason it is working for us and not for you guys is cuz we are on a different version that andy has fixed the imdb issue in. so bare with us and it should be arite in the next update

Any idea when the next update is due?

17-07-11, 17:49
Just doin last few tests hopefully not too long

22-07-11, 22:39
I just updated it with the latest VIX release 2.2.100: IMDB plugin works like a charm! :D

Any idea when the next update is due?

26-07-11, 00:51
I just updated it with the latest VIX release 2.2.100: IMDB plugin works like a charm! :D

Yep all working fine now, thanks to everyone that involved with the fix