View Full Version : Vu+ duo crashing on channel change

26-06-11, 22:46
Running VIX 2.1 but experiencin a problem where the box will occasionally crash on or shortly after channel change with the VIX logo spinning in the top left corner and their s no response to remote input. What's causing this and is it a known bug?

26-06-11, 22:50
Can you post ur crash log from media/hdd folder so we can have a look otherwise we have no idea what would cause it

26-06-11, 22:54
File doesn't seem to be there. Should this be enabled via an option in setup?

27-06-11, 00:18
Crash logs are normally auto generated and store on the hdd if u have one installed. If not then check u have debug logs enabled and have a look in home/root

27-06-11, 09:41
When you say it's crashing, does it actually give a green screen at all with the white writing? Or does it show the boot screen image and then restart to the default channel? Or, does it just show the ViX spinners and wait a while, and then it changes channel or seomthing?

27-06-11, 15:31
It doesn't actually go to green screen. It changes to the channel and the vix logo spins in the corner while the channel info also stays on the screen. No response to input from remote and neither logo or channel info go away. I've tried waiting for the box to recover but it stays stuck like that until i switch the box off and then again

guff daddy
27-06-11, 18:32
I was getting exactly this when changing channel to a DTT channel - possibly because the permanent time shift was writing to a usb drive.
I switched the timeshift location to HDD and the problem vanished.

27-06-11, 19:50
It doesn't actually go to green screen. It changes to the channel and the vix logo spins in the corner while the channel info also stays on the screen. No response to input from remote and neither logo or channel info go away. I've tried waiting for the box to recover but it stays stuck like that until i switch the box off and then again

If there are no crash logs try posting the debug logs there in home/root but only the ones around the time of the freeze.

01-07-11, 12:44
This is also happening to me. I need to turn the box off at the back. Has happened quite a few times as channel is changed.

02-07-11, 12:37
Need crash logs or debug logs, thats the only way we can get to the bottom of why the box crashes, anything else is guess work.

02-07-11, 14:26
i've tried looking for crash and debug logs on the hard drive but can't seem to see any :s i've turned off timeshift though as i think this could be part of the problem. going to be having a tinker with the box over the next day or two so will post any files i find

02-07-11, 14:45
debug logs are in home/root