View Full Version : pic showing distorted lines and colour on 60 hz

11-06-11, 22:43
hi ,
ive got the duo setting to 60 hz its work ok on hd channels ,but on some sd channels the pic shows diff co-loured lines ,but when i change it to 50 hz the pic is fine ,
can some one give some info about the refresh rate of the vu+duo box ,,
my tele is a sony 1080p ,but the pic is showen at 1080i as nothing is being broadcasted in 1080p at the moment ,,
can some on tell me whats the diff between 60 hz and multi ,i mean which wil give me good refresh rate ,,
multi will change to 60 hz on 1080i hd channels and change to 50 hz on sd channel automatically ,,
what the best setting you are using for your duo to give you good refresh rate ,
i know the higher the refresh rate the better the pic
any comments

12-06-11, 07:40
Thats right on my GT20 its the same, I think its to do with how the proggy is broadcast rather than the refresh rate of the telly itself. Leave it at multi.
The DUO can only do 1080I

12-06-11, 07:56
In UK/Europe the refresh rate for broadcast is 50hz or 25 for interlaced content. When you set the box to 60hz you are converting this and this can cause problems mine does the same on SD channels there is no point converting as it won't enhance it. Just set it to multi and it will use the native rate, hope this helps

12-06-11, 18:10
first is was at 50 hz now ive changed it to multi thanks