View Full Version : Help Service Scan everytime update ?

11-06-11, 20:55
Hi I had a question I just updated to VIX Team E2 HD SKY UK [HD SWAP] [01.06.2011]
there are some new channels added and some channels Frequency changed. My question is I don't see the new channels and am not getting BBC One HD anymore it's all black when I go to the channel do I have to do a channel scan again ? and do I have to do it everytime I update to the latest settings from Silverfox0786?

11-06-11, 21:03
you need to do it for any bouquet pack you use not only silverfox's. channels and frequencies change daily. no pack is ever truly upto date.

11-06-11, 21:16
The BBC HD channles went S2 and a rescan will sort them out in the bouquets without having to add or remove.

11-06-11, 21:48
you need to do it for any bouquet pack you use not only silverfox's. channels and frequencies change daily. no pack is ever truly upto date.
Hi thanks for that but the very first time I used my VU+ I did a full scan first then added the bouquet pack and it was fine but why not know ? as these are just updates

11-06-11, 21:56
Hi thanks for that but the very first time I used my VU+ I did a full scan first then added the bouquet pack and it was fine but why not know ? as these are just updates

The bouquets will be upto date when they are released. What Phenoix is saying I believe is that the channels are frequently chopped and changed and over a month you will have to rescan to get the new frequencies and update your bouquets. SF only releases once a month as it is a very time consuming job to update any bouquets.
You do not need to rescan if the bouquet was released today but if it was a week or two ago or there have been frequencies changes (check out the SAT threads for any) than its prudent to do a full rescan.

11-06-11, 22:08
what i'm saying is that no bouquet will be fully upto date, due to the way the service providers micromanage their allotted transponders, i my self find it prudent to do a manual rescan at least once a week. some times more.