View Full Version : Vu+ Duo - Blind Scan Now Available With Black Hole Image

The Bishop
08-06-11, 08:23

The latest Black Hole image (1.6.2 Final) based on official image 5.9 is reported as having blind scan functionality for the Vu+ Duo.

Are there any forum members with Vu+ Duos that are using this image as I would be very interested in knowing how the blind scan works. For example, do the 4 bands of H-L, H-H, V-L and V-H have to be scanned independently and what is the increment in frequency units used in the blind scan.

If the blind scan is working OK it might tempt me to buy a Vu+ Duo from the forum sponsor.

The Bishop

08-06-11, 08:32
if you want blindscan go with either the ET9000 or ET5000 as they have dedicated hardware for this purpose where as the Vu does not to the best of my knowledge, if this is the case and they have it working it will be a software blindscan mode which is pretty much worthless to true feedhunters etc.

08-06-11, 08:47
Taken from another forum:

The blindscan utility for Vu+ is located here:


but it's experimental and Vu+ needs more time to implement it totally

So, looks like it's not fully developed yet either...

08-06-11, 09:59
I'm not 100% sure the Duo tuners are blindscan capable. I'd wait till drivers and plugin is officialy released by VU+.

08-06-11, 11:01
I would say that it's just a software emulation of blindscan ... which if that's the case, will be much slower than a hardware capable blindscan solution...

The Bishop
08-06-11, 13:21
if you want blindscan go with either the ET9000 or ET5000 as they have dedicated hardware for this purpose where as the Vu does not to the best of my knowledge, if this is the case and they have it working it will be a software blindscan mode which is pretty much worthless to true feedhunters etc.


I have gone with the ET9000, I bought one from the forum sponsor a couple of weeks ago.

However, it is not capable of blind scan on a ViX image even though the ET9000 tuner hardware is capable of blind scan.

The Bishop

08-06-11, 13:27

I have gone with the ET9000, I bought one from the forum sponsor a couple of weeks ago.

However, it is not capable of blind scan on a ViX image even though the ET9000 tuner hardware is capable of blind scan.

The Bishop

ViX2.2 for the ET5000 & ET9000 IS blindscan capable once its released which shouldn't be too long now.

The Bishop
08-06-11, 13:47
ViX2.2 for the ET5000 & ET9000 IS blindscan capable once its released which shouldn't be too long now.


Sure, I am aware of those rumours. However, I will believe it when I see it.

The Bishop

08-06-11, 13:50

Sure, I am aware of those rumours. However, I will believe it when I see it.

The Bishop

Believe what?? ViX 2.2 coming soon or the Blindscan plugin/option?

If your that desperate for blindscan you could use the official image or I believe the PLi image has it in.

08-06-11, 14:01

I have gone with the ET9000, I bought one from the forum sponsor a couple of weeks ago.

However, it is not capable of blind scan on a ViX image even though the ET9000 tuner hardware is capable of blind scan.

The Bishop

oh it is.

as sic said vix 2.2 is fully blind scan capable

08-06-11, 14:11

Sure, I am aware of those rumours. However, I will believe it when I see it.

The Bishop

Have you already tested with Pli?
Duo has not capable blind scan tuner, this of the BH-team is just a gimmick without Effect.I'm looking forward to the new Vix-Image :thumbsup:

The Bishop
08-06-11, 14:11
Believe what?? ViX 2.2 coming soon or the Blindscan plugin/option?.....


There are obviously some issues with the compilation and release of a production version of ViX 2.2 for the ET9000 so continuous forum references to it "soon to be released" are premature in my personal opinion. This is not a reflection on the abilities of the ViX developers but rather a simple statement of fact that there are still issues to be resolved before it can be released in its final production version. The resolution of issues could be very quick or it could take a lot longer depending on the nature of the issues.

Personally, I think the ViX 2.1 image for the ET9000 is very good and would rather wait for the next ViX version instead of migrating to another development team image.

The Bishop

08-06-11, 14:28

There are obviously some issues with the compilation and release of a production version of ViX 2.2 for the ET9000 so continuous forum references to it "soon to be released" are premature in my personal opinion. This is not a reflection on the abilities of the ViX developers but rather a simple statement of fact that there are still issues to be resolved before it can be released in its final production version. The resolution of issues could be very quick or it could take a lot longer depending on the nature of the issues.

Personally, I think the ViX 2.1 image for the ET9000 is very good and would rather wait for the next ViX version instead of migrating to another development team image.

The Bishop

as i have said before. we release when we are ready, if we release the image and it's full of holes the forum would erupt into dozens of posts as it always does when ever any one finds a error.
we have a very small pool of testers who do a fantastic job, but at the end of the day and i'll quote digidude on this one
we break our boxes so that you dont have to.

08-06-11, 14:41
we have a very small pool of testers who do a fantastic job, but at the end of the day ...

... we all have personal lives too. This is a hobby for all of us, and I appreciate you want something to be available sooner than it is, but it's life I'm afraid. There are things I can't wait for to be released, but we have to wait.

We have been striving to get this image released, but as soon as one bug is found, another can be created. Or, to replace one bug, we find another better way to do something else...

The Bishop
08-06-11, 14:49
as i have said before. we release when we are ready, if we release the image and it's full of holes the forum would erupt into dozens of posts as it always does when ever any one finds a error.
we have a very small pool of testers who do a fantastic job, but at the end of the day and i'll quote digidude on this one


I have not expressed any opinion disagreeing with the policy of thoroughly testing the image and I endorse the approach you take, it is the correct approach.

The point I am making is that there are numerous references in the forum from a small number of posters indicating that the ViX version 2.2 image is soon to be released which in my personal opinion is potentially misleading. If the image were to be released in the next few days then I would agree with the statement of "soon to be released". If it were to be released in 4 weeks time then I would not agree with the statement of "soon to be released". This has nothing to do with the skill level or development processes of the ViX development team, it is more a question of semantics used by forum contributers and the feedback it creates.

The Bishop

The Bishop
08-06-11, 14:51
... I appreciate you want something to be available sooner than it is, ......


You are making an incorrect inference.

The Bishop

The Bishop
08-06-11, 15:21
To go back to my original question, if anybody has tested out the blind scan on a Vu+ Duo with the Black Hole image would they please be able to provide some feedback. If it is functional then I will probably buy a Duo from WoS.

The Bishop

08-06-11, 15:30
Did you read my post here (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?8967-Vu-Duo-Blind-Scan-Now-Available-With-Black-Hole-Image&p=66262&viewfull=1#post66262)? This was taken from a VIP member on their forum ... I would take it to mean that it's not stable at the minute, and is in it's infancy

The Bishop
08-06-11, 15:48
Did you read my post here (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?8967-Vu-Duo-Blind-Scan-Now-Available-With-Black-Hole-Image&p=66262&viewfull=1#post66262)? This was taken from a VIP member on their forum ... I would take it to mean that it's not stable at the minute, and is in it's infancy


Yes, I read your post but was not aware it came from a VIP member of another forum. Would you please be able to provide a link to the topic on the other forum as I would like to follow up on how the topic progresses?

The Bishop

08-06-11, 15:53

Yes, I read your post but was not aware it came from a VIP member of another forum. Would you please be able to provide a link to the topic on the other forum as I would like to follow up on how the topic progresses?

The Bishop

No links to other forums here, read the rules ;)

The Bishop
08-06-11, 16:03
No links to other forums here, read the rules ;)



The Bishop

08-06-11, 16:10
as i have said before. we release when we are ready, if we release the image and it's full of holes the forum would erupt into dozens of posts as it always does when ever any one finds a error.
we have a very small pool of testers who do a fantastic job, but at the end of the day and i'll quote digidude on this one

Personally what I don't understand is the absolute secrecy of all the process. A status message every few days with the TODO list or "we solved this and working on that" (good!) or "we tried to implement this other one but it doesn't work so we'll think about it in the next release" (bad!) would go a looooong way. Weeks of silence followed with a "real soon now" is going to cause unrest among the denizens of VIXland :-)


08-06-11, 16:12
Personally what I don't understand is the absolute secrecy of all the process. A status message every few days with the TODO list or "we solved this and working on that" (good!) or "we tried to implement this other one but it doesn't work so we'll think about it in the next release" (bad!) would go a looooong way. Weeks of silence followed with a "real soon now" is going to cause unrest among the denizens of VIXland :-)


No point in that now as its not too far away :p but take on board your comments ;)

08-06-11, 16:26
there is no real secrecy, as pooface stated we implement new features or rather Andy does and we test these for bugs, often once a bug is fixed we end up with another as a result. as i said we dont want to release a image that does not work.

08-06-11, 16:40

Yes, I read your post but was not aware it came from a VIP member of another forum. Would you please be able to provide a link to the topic on the other forum as I would like to follow up on how the topic progresses?

The Bishop

I just did a search for blindscan blackhole 1.6.2, and the link came up on there.

And, I apologise, it wasn't a vip who said that... It was a coder ;)

08-06-11, 17:57
There may have the option for a blind scanning but looking at the build there is nothing in the scanning menu to actually use it.