View Full Version : Getting some empty recordings - zero length

05-06-11, 13:25
Hi all.
This is using Enigma openPLi 2010-08-02-master; image openpli-2010-05-21
Dual LNB via multiswitch; separate feeds to the Duo tuners
Recording to internal 1 TB Samsung

I think I know what's happening, but I'd appreciate confirmation (or otherwise) and discussion.

A few times recently, I've set a bunch of timers, and resolved clashes by disabling timers when there just aren't enough tuners to go around.
After all was done and dusted, I've found that some recordings are empty, having zero length.

I've just had it happen again, and grabbed some data. Here's what was happening.

At 1954, two timers came due for services on different transponders. Both events were due to complete at 2036, and both recorded OK.

At 2024, four timers came due, two for each of the two transponders already in use. These had various completion times. Of these, only one was recorded correctly, and three resulted in empty files.

Now here's the thing. Although only two transponders were ever in use simultaneously, and so there were no timer clashes, from 2024 until 2036, SIX events would need to be being recorded simultaneously.

I recall reading something about five being a limit, so that could be the basis of the problem. What's the true story on that limit, and does it look like the reason for my issue?

I also think I read something else about a fix to increase this to six. What's the story there?

If such a limitation exists, be it 5, 6, or any other number, ought not the timer setting system to be aware of this and prevent the creation of more timers than can be actioned?

Also, if this is right, why was it that three files were empty, not just one?

05-06-11, 19:25
As far as I know, the sero length recording/failed timers is a bug. I noted this in VIX 2.1 and also the image your using. Nobody bothered replying to my concerns when I posted here so I loaded Nemesis 2.2.
In my opinion this image simply blows away all opposition and since loading I've never missed a recording since.

Have a look at

05-06-11, 20:01
I would disagree with you its a bug. On my DUO I have over 20 auto timers set up some for current and others for old series and it probably misses one in 100 apart from the user intervene ones. When the new series starts IE CSI it automatically sets up the timer. More than likley you did not set the defaults up properly.

05-06-11, 20:07
never had a problem here with timers and auto timers, and ive got about 15 auto timers set to record and a load of normal timers lol must be something in ur setup thats causing problems but i had loaded most defaults settings apart from a few changes for auto timers but other than that it works a treat, never missed a recording or failed or zero timings

05-06-11, 21:55
I would disagree with you its a bug. On my DUO I have over 20 auto timers set up some for current and others for old series and it probably misses one in 100 apart from the user intervene ones. When the new series starts IE CSI it automatically sets up the timer. More than likley you did not set the defaults up properly.

Well, all I can tell you is that I had the same problem with Vix 2.x and Open Pli (same image base?).
Original image (all versions) were fine as is Nemesis - exact same set-up for all systems.

06-06-11, 01:24
Thanks for the input so far.
I don't think the issue is the number of timers set: I have around 30 at a time to cover a week ahead. I don't use "auto-timers" at all. I think it is the number that become active simultaneously. In the case I describe, I had six events, all needing to be recorded from 2024 to 2036.
For those who have experienced no problems, can you confirm that you have in fact recorded six or more events simultaneously please?

Meanwhile, I'll do some reading about Nemesis, although I'm still a bit apprehensive about changing firmware since for the most part, what came loaded on the unit is doing everything I need, and doing it well, so even if the risk in changing images is minor, the possibility of a significant improvement is also.

(Just to clarify, here in NZ, the units ship with openPLi installed. To me, that is the "original image", but I'm gathering that that isn't the case everywhere.)

06-06-11, 10:12
Thanks for the input so far.
I don't think the issue is the number of timers set: I have around 30 at a time to cover a week ahead. I don't use "auto-timers" at all. I think it is the number that become active simultaneously. In the case I describe, I had six events, all needing to be recorded from 2024 to 2036.
For those who have experienced no problems, can you confirm that you have in fact recorded six or more events simultaneously please?

Meanwhile, I'll do some reading about Nemesis, although I'm still a bit apprehensive about changing firmware since for the most part, what came loaded on the unit is doing everything I need, and doing it well, so even if the risk in changing images is minor, the possibility of a significant improvement is also.

(Just to clarify, here in NZ, the units ship with openPLi installed. To me, that is the "original image", but I'm gathering that that isn't the case everywhere.)

When I mentioned original image, I meant the official image - very good to use without any of the clutter that team images put in, and now that most/all images ship without cams, there's very little downside to using it and lots of upside (ie. reliability and stability).
However, Nemesis has been my favourite going back to my TM9100 days, as it has always proved rock-solid. You can install the "extra_url" to download cams, setting etc. and it is BOMB-PROOF. Why don't you give it a go and see if it fixes your problems? You can save your timers file first and re-install it after loading the image,. Ditto, your channels list.


07-06-11, 03:35
I've had a look at the links plusser listed, but the problem there seems distinct from the one I have experienced. It's about problems changing services to make recordings, with no hint that it could be due to the number of simultaneous recordings in action. That means that even if a change to Nemesis fixed that problem, it may not address the issue I found at all.

Anybody got any information on limits to the number of simultaneous recordings possible, and the consequences when that limit is broken? I think that is at the heart of the problem I experienced.

07-06-11, 07:40
I've read a few reports of 6 recordings simultaneously, so wouldn't think there was an issue?!

Is this recording to a sata hdd or usb?

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07-06-11, 10:48
Internal SATA 7200rpm 1 TB Samsung drive. I've had no problems with 4 or 5 at a time - none of the 6 were HD. The affected files just never got any data, it's not as if there were drop outs from, say, inadequate processor or disc speed.

I *swear* I read something somewhere about 5 being a limit, and a new version of something (drivers?) allowing 6.

Any other ideas?