View Full Version : anybody else cant get vix to install?

04-06-11, 17:44

subject to my post over in the other forum, tihs concerns the VIX image i just cannot get it to install, i've got 3 different versions and none of them will install.

it just sticks on "flashing" other images install ok or at least the one's i've tried have ie BH and Clarke-tech no problems.

but this VIX image is a different prospect, so is there anybody else having problems with it or is it just me?

no disrepsect to noobs but even they are installing it me on the other zilch:rolleyes:

regards: canthackit

04-06-11, 18:08
Have you tried install the official vu+duo firmware and then trying vix after, i had a similar problem with a previous solo and that solved it for me

04-06-11, 18:36

This is interesting vu duo image on ET9000?
The complete ET9000 folder on the usb stick (fat32 formatted)
Have you tried the files individually to the stick
Do you have other devices on the ET9000 hang.
Other USB Stick tried.
You have an interesting phenomenon.

04-06-11, 18:37
i've got a modded version of clarke-tech on that's ok, i have tried installing vix after that and still the same problem.

i'll try and hunt down the official version, and if i can find it i'll give that a try.

regards: canthackit

04-06-11, 18:43
CHI do you want to go step by step what u done as i have installef vix today on ET without a problem.

04-06-11, 18:43

This is interesting vu duo image on ET9000?
The complete ET9000 folder on the usb stick (fat32 formatted)
Have you tried the files individually to the stick
Do you have other devices on the ET9000 hang.
Other USB Stick tried.
You have an interesting phenomenon.

it's not a Duo image mate it's vix image for clarke-tech.
you name it i've tried it.
files induvidually no but i did try removing the files from the et900 folder and loaded directly onto the pen, still nothing
i've tried 3 different usb pens.

Do you have other devices on the ET9000 hang...(not sure what you mean by this)

thanks & regards: canthackit

04-06-11, 18:49
i formatted the stick in ms-dos fat.
i then loaded the et9000 folder with the 5 files inside onto the pen.
power off the reciever put pen in front usb slot, power on.
when scrolling message appears press the ok button on the reciever.
and wait, and wait, and wait while flashing stays on the display

every other image has install perfectly ok it's just the VIX image i'm having problems with.
strange very strange.

oh and tried 3 different version of the image.

thanks & regards: canthackit

04-06-11, 18:57
Sorry canthackit i did not realise it was a clarke- tech i hope you get it fixed anyway

04-06-11, 19:38
ok mate no probs.

regards: canthackit

04-06-11, 19:50
Have you tried the image in post 2 of the thread below


i have just installed this no problems should not take more than 2 min to flash i would try out a new pen drive or try downloading the image to a different pc

where did you get 3 versions of the vix image we have only made one image for the et9000?

04-06-11, 19:59
I take it your using a Mac if your using ms dos fat?
Not being a mac user i was just wondering if it might be some kind of limitation with ms dos fat as Windows users would usually format using fat32

04-06-11, 20:33
yes mate both versions many times, with different sticks, different usb slots.

as i say mate i just cannot find why i appear to be the only one having this problem the sponsor shipped it to me with VIX preinstalled so he got it on there, but i cant get it on there no matter what.

regards: canthackit

04-06-11, 21:17
Am flumaxed, works fine, only thing I can think of is what T.ph suggested as you do have a mac from your other thread, any chance you can try it on a pc if not already done?

05-06-11, 07:24
go no PC avaliable mate.

if can i i'll try, i really cant see it being this though as other images are installing fine using a mac, but then again i've got to try anything and everything.

just one other thing whilst on this subject, on my Duo VIX images particularly 2.1 would never display finshed/remove it would get to reading usb and stay there, but it had completed so i remove the stick and reboot it worked fine, not so on the 9000 though it seems like there's activity on the stick but there's no data transfer, and as i say i've tried 3 different sticks.
thanks guy's
regards: canthackit

05-06-11, 08:20

not had a chance to try formatting in a pc yet, but there are various formats on the mac i've formatted to them all and the image just does not get recognised with any them them the only format it recognises is the one i've always used MS-DOS FAT, it might mean that for some reason that only the VIX images have to be format in a PC and to FAT32.........that'll be interesting to test it out.

thanks again

05-06-11, 14:31
although i've not had the chance to be able to format the stick to fat32 on a pc, i've been doing some reading up and evidently ms-dos fat is in actual fact the mac terminology for fat32, so looks like that option is ruled out.

situation just gets sillier and sillier, just is there any compiler out there that can shed any light on this?

regards: canthackit

08-06-11, 09:45
ok sorted just got a call from WoS

Steffan has tested the box and it appears that i was right the VIX image dosn't seem to like mac's, so i'm just waiting now to have the box returned with the pen formatted to fat32 on a PC with the vIX image on it that he is very kindly doing for me :D

i think he's going to post his findings on here soon, it'll make interesting reading i think.

as a footnote i can't believe that i'm the only mac user with one of these boxes :baby:
still it's handy knowledge to have i'm sure at a later date someone will have the same problem then we'll know the answer ;)

thanks to all for the help
regards: canthackit

09-06-11, 15:10
As posted in another thread, enzo has a mac and had no problem, and I've very rarely had a problem when flashing using my mac...

As an alternative, if u still have a copy of windows from another pc, you could try installing bootcamp, or use parallels or another alternative virtual machine... That way, it'd be as if using windows...

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09-06-11, 19:27
@ pooface
are you saying that enzo flashed his box with VIX using a mac to format the usb?
are you also saying you tried it sucessfully yourself?

'cos apart from me someone else who tested it, found the same, worked ok using windoze, didn't work using a mac.
and i've just been out and bought a cheap 2nd hand lappie windoze of course :D

i'm really getting confused :confused:

regards: canthackit

09-06-11, 20:22
Can't remember whether the usb stick was formatted with the mac or not tbh. Am pretty sure one of my sticks was, and it worked...

98% of the time, I always flash using my macbook pro with osx 10.6. Only rarely I bring my work laptop home and use that...

When using the mac to setup the stick, I double click on the downloaded zip, let it extract the folder using osx built in unzipper. Then, just drag the folder over to the usb stick. Works everytime...

14-06-11, 17:45
installed 2.2 no probs using a windoze lappie formatted to fat32

14-06-11, 19:13
Glad that you have managed to get things sorted m8

welcome to the world of windows ;)

17-06-11, 00:27
when formating the stick, for flashing make sure you are NOT using GUID partition type, in Disk Utility just below the partition size area there should be button for options,click this and make it is set to MASTER BOOT RECORD and not GUID

see screen shots.

17-06-11, 06:04
Pretty sure I mentioned this before, but with the screenshots it shows it off much better :)

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