View Full Version : Please recommend a Compact Digital Camera upto around £150

02-06-11, 09:12
I'm after a compact digital camera for general use, holidays snaps, party's etc... Anyone able to recommend one please.

02-06-11, 09:39
Depends really what you're after. I've had a much earlier version of this camera:


and it's worked really well. Produced some great pictures. The good thing about this camera, is the large zoom range on it, and the fact it's a stop gap between a compact and dslr. Here's a voucher code for it as well, to bring it down in price (yes, it's refurbished, but still a good camera :p): P10FEB15.

As for a proper compact camera, the Panasonic Lumix FS10 is a pretty good camera that I've used. Seen it around for about £80, but everywhere seems to be out of stock. Only one I could find was pink at play.com. Black or silver were much more expensive. A higher model up, the FS30, looks pretty good, but quite a bit more expensive...

If you could afford almost double that, a dslr would get you some very nice shots, and allow you to be more creative with it, but obviously it's the cost of it, and the time to practice using it :p

02-06-11, 09:55
Thank m8ty, but tbh I'm looks for a small hand sized compact. Any ideas what this is like

02-06-11, 10:05
THe fuji compacts I've had, I haven't been overly impressed with. They're not bad, just not good either... The pictures that have come out of them have been pretty good, just that quality of the camera itself isn't the best. Whereas the lumix cameras I've played with, I've found them to feel much sturdier, and well wearing.

This camera sounds to be quite a nice camera, at a decentish price, and got a good review:


02-06-11, 10:07
Dont know what to buy now lol!

Now looking at this


The only thing putting me off is the size of this type of camera.

02-06-11, 10:20
That does look to be a pretty good camera. Thing you gotta think about, is what you wanna use it for. If mainly parties, then a compact for sure. If mainly holidays and sight seeing, then one of the bridge cameras is better imo. Reason I say this, is the fact that you have a much better zoom. The camera you linked just above has an 18x zoom, compared to that compact you linked before, which has 5x. So, zooming in to places you wanna take a picture of will be much harder.

Also, the cmos/ccd of the camera, is likely to be better in a bridge camera than a compact, hence giving better quality pictures. Another thing I prefer about the bridge cameras, is that you get a little bit more functionality usually. You can adjust the shutter speed and aperature slightly. They usually give better iso. But, where the do fall down, is the ability to just shove the camera in to your pocket and not look like a silly tourist :p Basically, you will either have to keep the camera strapped around your neck, or keep the camera in a bag, and get it out everytime you wanna use it...