View Full Version : Loss of epg after box freezes

27-05-11, 22:23
If my box freezes and I have to reboot I lose most the epg on channels. So I have to re download them using the importer. I have it set to be stored to hard drive should this be happening and is there anything I can alter to fix this, thanks

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27-05-11, 22:34
i find the epg settings VERY confusing on my duo, and like you, if i reboot, its all gone, which says to me, that its being stored in the /tmp folder. When i first setup my duo, i spent about a week messing with settings, especially getting a USB stick to 'mount' which it now does, and thats where i store my picons. ive set my epg storage to 'usb' but once a week i have to manually download the epg data if i want it to work at all, and if i reboot the box, i have to manually download it all over again

personally, i think theres too many epg options in the image (dont get me wrong, im in no way knocking the images abilities at all) and if you happen to select conflicting options, itll mess itself up, and one option will overwrite the other without warning you

i dont actually know how my duo updates its epg, or should i say, i dont know how it tries to update, but i have to manually update it via rytec, which for the last 2 weeks of each month, for the last few months, has been very unreliable. Cross epg for me does absolutley nothing at all, so as its only my kids who use the telly on the weekends, ill update on a thursday night, ready for them for the weekend

i know this post didnt really help you, but you now know youre not alone with this m8


27-05-11, 23:01
I use crossepg and it has worked flawelessy for me, mind I only have sly 28.2 and store on USB.
This is the set up on the ET5000 which is exactly the same as the VU.

27-05-11, 23:07
I just set the xmltv importer to download rytec UK 3 o clock every morning I found if I choose too many sources it would crash though. I have just enabled standby at startup in the xmltv importer menu and rebooted fully and epg is still there. I think a description in this menu would be nice upon moving over selection.

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