View Full Version : How to mount/share Vuduo HDD in DM500?

24-05-11, 22:54
Happy customer of Vuduo decided to buy a cheap clone of DM500 (running on software version release 3.6.0. 31.05.2007) for the bedroom.

I want to be able to watch recordings I have on my Vuduo (plenty of them in a 2TB drive! :D). Vuduo and DM500 are both wired to my router (yes I do have a hardwired lan network in my apartment :D).

I did google a lot tonight (not just our forum :)), but with no luck. :/

I entered the blue menu in DM500, but no matter what I do, the same message tells me "CIFS/NFS mount *****ip share name FAILED!

What I did in VuDuo was:
enabled NFS share in Vuduo
created a mount point in Vuduo, as:
local sharename vuduo
mount type: tested both NFS and CIFS
server ip: vuduo ip (or should it be the DM500 IP? Hm, did try it with DM IP, but still the same failed msg)
server share: export/HDD
use as HDD replacement: no
mount options rw, nolock,tcp

On DM500:
IP: Vuduo IP, NFS (or CIFS accordingly as per the specs given in Vuduo mount manager)
Dir: export/hdd (did try also /export/hdd and vuduo/eport/hdd)
LocalDir: /var/mnt/hdd (the default settings of DM)
options rw
extra: nolock etc
automount checked

I did try a million of combinations, before this posted thread, believe me. :S

Anyone can point me to the right thread/solution would be greatly appreciated.


p.s. forgot to mention that I do not have the password of the DM (the dealer does not give it out for his 'own reasons'), hence I can not telnet or ftp or anything with the box. I really hope that this passw is not needed for the mounting process! :(

25-05-11, 00:22
You are screwed without the username and password for the dm500 sounds like a dogey setup for the dm500 mate

25-05-11, 22:42
hm, in other words you are telling me that I send back the DM500 and get my money back...
yeah, thanks for the advice. :'(

25-05-11, 22:44
hm, in other words you are telling me that I send back the DM500 and get my money back...
yeah, thanks for the advice. :'(

looks to me like u got a dm500 clone with a pay server as thats the only time the box is pasword protected and rules state payserver talk cannot be entertained so a solution that stays within forum rules is to return it mate

25-05-11, 22:47
hm, in other words you are telling me that I send back the DM500 and get my money back...
yeah, thanks for the advice. :'(

for future reference you may want to know that DM stopped production of the DM500 around 4 to 5 years ago now. so all DM500 boxes bought as new are 100 percent clones. DM do however produce a DM500 HD model.

25-05-11, 23:02
Yeah, was aware of the reason(s) the dealer had it pass protected. And yes, I knew it was a clone. Nevertheless, it was a cheap multiroom solution for me.
With all the due respect to the forum admin, asking to mount a pass protected DM box I do not see how can it break the rules of the forum. :O
I did not mention anything on CS or the likes.

And yes, the DM box can be pass protected, even for a simple reason, ie. because the dealer wants a hassle free product servicing. Or you may be the one loosing the password of your own receiver, and do not have any back ups and no CFG data stored anywhere, hence you do not want to reflash it. I mean you can have a legit reason for asking to mount your DM box with your Vuduo, not necessarily being the CS payserver and the likes...
Anyways, I do not want to be picky on this, since I do not see any solution to my problem...I am calling it off. :)

(I did try to install the tuxbox manager to reset the pass, but the box gave the me the infamous 404 msg, server not found. :(

thanks anyways for your replies.

looks to me like u got a dm500 clone with a pay server as thats the only time the box is pasword protected and rules state payserver talk cannot be entertained so a solution that stays within forum rules is to return it mate

25-05-11, 23:05
we do not support cloned boxes on this forum nor talk of cardsharing. as you have so clearly stated that your box is a password protected dealer box we will not help you with this.