View Full Version : Letter box 16:9

24-05-11, 20:05
After reading post on picture format I'm still having problems with 16:9 format.

I've tried various combinations and movies stay in a "funny" 16:9. The reason why say "funny" is that the black band top and bottom of the picture is wider than for a picture of 16:9.

I can re-scale 4:3 easily but not 16:9.

Any idea why this is happening?

I have a Vu+Duo, VIX 2.1.4


25-05-11, 07:20
select just scale for display content for 4:3 and 16:9

regards: canthackit

25-05-11, 07:48
But that makes 4:3 stretched to widescreen, and gives people fat faces...

U sure it's not meant to have the wide black screens? As more and more movies are filmed in 2.35 widescreen, not 16:9 nowadays...

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25-05-11, 10:58
well of course that can be the answer.

i was assuming he was talking 1:85:1 widescreen and not as you say 2:35:1 which again as you say will show black bars top and bottom, no matter what settings more or less.

on 4:3 display though i've never had a problem with 'just scale" in actual fact i've never had a problem with it enabled for both formats.

regards: canthackit

25-05-11, 18:06
I think you are right, its not 16:9 because no matter what I set the scaling to the format does not change.

I tried the LetterBox Zoom plug in and that has no effect either.

It just that I've paid for a big screen so I would like the picture to fill it not have black bars top and bottom.:rolleyes:

26-05-11, 10:04
well mate unfortunately that's about as much as you can hope for.

if as stated the transmission is 2:35:1 or 2:40:1 you'll have black bars top and bottom.

1:85:1 anamorphic will fill the whole screen, this is on all 16:9 widescreen tv's on 4:3 you going to get black bars down either side.

regards: canthackit