View Full Version : ECM Times issue

22-05-11, 22:01
Hi folks....All was well until I turned on my vu duo this morning to be greeted with picture freeze every 1 minute or so across all pay channels for sometimes as long as 10 secs...impossible to watch.
I checked all my connections and all ok...router is also ok.
Verified that my cline wasnt the issue as I have tested 10 clines from different servers.
My network is also ok as fully checked with a sniffer.
Basically Im down to the box....I am running 2.1.4 and have been for a while and have not had any issues...when my box goes into a freeze state I check the ecm time and it tells me 'ECM: -nan'...what is this '- nan'?...anybody got any ideas?....failing this I will have to reflash the box I feel....anybody out there able to help??.....thanks

22-05-11, 22:08
Firstly there can be no cardshare talk on this forum as stated in the forum rules.

In relation to the nan - it is due to the version of ccam you are using. Use ccam 2.20 or above to receive ecm times once more.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

22-05-11, 22:11
this thread is closed,...read the rules