View Full Version : Socket error 100057

19-05-11, 13:01
Hi all - for no reason I can see I can no longer connect to my VU+ duo! It's not showing on the network any more..... I've also started getting 'no socket....error 100057' messages if I use DCC or filezilla.

Anyone help please??

Google etc is overflowing with what this error number means but I'm not techy enough to understand and they don't seem to give a solution. I've run spyware/virus scans which did reveal problems that are now cured, but as I said I still have the error.

Thanks for any suggestions

19-05-11, 13:38
Firewall maybe ?

19-05-11, 14:17
Are you sure that your ip address is correct? If you haven't got a static ip address defined for the Vu Duo on your router then perhaps DHCP has assigned a different ip address to what you think it should be?

You can check what ip address has been assigned to your Vu by checking the adapter settings in network settings in setup!

Might not be that though but I've seen that error when my ip address changed previously!

19-05-11, 15:01
Thanks for the replies - no firewall on, ip is correct. in fact if I use the DCC 'search. button it finds the box but won't connect:confused:

I don't know whats changed to cause it!

19-05-11, 15:35
check the lan cable is fully inserted

if you use fire fox, put the units address into the browser, and see if you get the web interface

also go to network set up, ( on the unit ) and run a test

another thing to try, is to disable dhcp, change the units ip to what ever, save exit..then reset it to dhcp,..and see if the ip has changed

19-05-11, 15:58
One final thing, have you tried restarting your box?! Probably first thing you did, but maybe you hadn't thought of it... Take an image backup first if you can tho, just in case :p