View Full Version : vu+ deep sleep

17-05-11, 22:27
had a power outage recently of a few seconds. Normal for the area. Put in a bellkin surgemaster. Works fine other than the fact that the VU will not power on again after the power outage. any help appreciated

17-05-11, 22:30
Turn of at main remove plug at mains remove all accessories cards etc even hdd leave for half hour a try again

You can try this first leaving hdd in and see if not then remove hdd an try again

18-05-11, 19:05
sorry silverfox, i didn't express what I wanted to say. Yes the system does power on after I power it off and power it on again. My issue is that after the power cut the system does not automatically reboot once power is restored. You must manually turn the box off and on again. Is this normal behaviour

18-05-11, 19:18
have you set the box to automatically reboot?

18-05-11, 20:52
nope. good point. at least it would start when it came around to auto-reboot time. thanks.

18-05-11, 20:58
no problems mate :p

18-05-11, 21:14
as an aside, now the system did reboot after a power cut but since i put in a power surge protector it no longer reboots?

18-05-11, 21:32
when you say no longer reboots, what are you doing to reboot it? switching it off and on from the back of the receiver or going into menu/restart and rebooting enigma or restarting from there?

18-05-11, 22:32
normally after power is restored the system reboots as power is restored (or maybe i'm delusional?) recently after installing surge protection the system after power is restored sits in standby. maybe i've got this wrong. however if the system is powered on and power is cut does it not make sense that when power is returned that the system should reboot

18-05-11, 22:46
normally when i switch on (if i ever switch off lol) it goes straight to my channel i was last watching ... it boots up as normal. when i switch off from mains and switch back on it boots as normal ... it should boot up normally without any problems

18-05-11, 22:49
punisher, point i make is should the box boot up when the switch at the back is powered on after a power cut/restoration

18-05-11, 22:52
yeh it will if the power switch is flicked to "On"

18-05-11, 23:00
so thats my problem. box does not reboot since i put surge protection in. must be the surge unit. thanks for the help

18-05-11, 23:04
aah rite ... i didnt understand what u meant before lol but yeh i see now ... i will try with mine later just to make sure it boots up still lol

19-05-11, 11:01
When you say you have a quick power surge, what do you mean?! As in, power goes off for, say 5 seconds, and comes straight back on?! If so, what you're seeing is usual behaviour for this box. Same was true of the dm800 (dunno about et9000 tho). You can test for yourself. If you press the rocker switch on the backand turn off for a couple of seconds and turn back on, you will see that it won't boot back up. Turn it off, wait about 30 seconds, and back on, and it will work fine...

19-05-11, 12:28
I switched my mains off but left switch on duo on and it went off and switch mains back on and duo booted up as normal no other intervention needed. I can switch mine on n off from the back of the duo and boots straight up as normal too