View Full Version : limited EPG on VIX2.1 image

16-05-11, 23:41
Hi Guys,

I finally got my new VUDuo up and running with VIX2.1 and managed to get the sly bouquets working as well. I have an issue with the epg, or lack of it.
When I press the up arrow on the remote followed by the blue button for favorites, I only see epg for maybe 3 or 4 channels out of the 13 or so channels visible. Sometimes there is actually no epg on any channel and only appears when I select to view a particular channel. I am new to this whole sat stb thing and have read stuff on cross epg on other threads her. I am not sure what this is and have not done anything about that, should I be?

Would really appreciate any suggestions on how to get epg working properly on my box.
Thanks in advance for your comments.:confused:

Mr. Mister
16-05-11, 23:46
Short Press Blue button > Vix > XMLTV-Importer

Press Blue button again..

Select your source by highlighing it and then press ok and then green button..

Next press the yellow button.. then ok button and allow it to do the download..

When finished, press the green button for ok and then exit out of all menu`s

Hope this helps

17-05-11, 00:14
Cheers Mate, that seems to have worked.
Do I have to do this every time I power up the box as I turn it off at the mains every night or will this be remembered by the box? Also I notice that i have the following settings in XMLTV. Would you recommend I change any of them?

Importer Setup:
Daily Automatic import = disable
Automatic STart time = 05:45
Standby at startup =disable
When in deep standby = skip the import
Show in extensions = no
Start import after booting up = disable
Load long desciptions up to X days = 5

17-05-11, 00:16

opps caps lock

also best to setup epg to a usb stick


17-05-11, 00:25
Hi basilyoung, I have enabled Daily Import as you suggest. Not sure what you mean by "opps caps lock"?
Also what do you mean by setup epg to a usb stick? Do I have to have a USB always connected to the box and set some other epg setting up? Sorry I am a n00b at this so bear with me

17-05-11, 00:32
re caps lock...indecates shouting.....not good internet manners

usb stick holds the info for epg...so if the unit is pwered down,..the info is still there

but defualt epg goes to "flash", no issue, if the unit is connected 24/7


17-05-11, 00:46
:D Sorry should have guessed that!

About the USB stick, what do I have to do on the box to get it to store the epg info on it? I'm guessing if I don't use the usb stick, I will just have to do what Mr Mister suggested above when I power up the box 2mrw morning, correct?

Mr. Mister
17-05-11, 01:04
Why power off the box totally.. ?

Why not just leave it in stand-by.. ??

All my boxes only got to stand-by when not being used..

17-05-11, 07:47
To install a usb stick you need to plu a usb in the back reboot the box then blue button/vix/device manager and you need to mount the usb as media/usb. If it isnt press green button (setup mounts) on highlighting the usb stick and then and on usb if u press the right arrow till you get to media/usb and save it. It will reboot and you are all done. Go back into device manager an jut make sure it is still set to media/usb. Then press menu/setup/system/vix and change "chose epg location to" usb and thats your usb setup for epg

17-05-11, 08:57
Could use CrossEpg even?

17-05-11, 09:24
Ye u can use crossepg but in the crossepg configurations make sure you set epg location to usb too

17-05-11, 09:58
actually none of the Rytec sources in CrossEPG or RyVix/XMLTV Importer seems to be working at the moment...

17-05-11, 17:34
Boom, got the Rytec sources using CrossEPG by upgrading the Cross EPG software from bassethound's post from here (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?8456-CrossEPG-ENIGMA2-mipsel-0.6.2-svn-300-r0-OE1.6&p=62707#post62707)