View Full Version : How to stream avi to Vu box?

16-05-11, 16:46

I have a mounted nas and i want to be able to view the avi's on there on my box.

Everytime i use the media player i get a message saying GSStreamer plugin not installed?

I have tried searching for this but cant find an ipk.

Is there another way of watching avi on box - thansk:confused:


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16-05-11, 16:48
The file is encoded in a format that the VU cannot decode.

You have two options.

1: Re-encode the file.
2: Stream it using VLC on a computer along with the VLC plugin on your VU+.

16-05-11, 16:55
You could try the Project Valerie plugin. I play avi files from a NAS with no problems on BH using this plugin.


16-05-11, 17:27
AVI is only container and AVI files can be encoded in many different ways. So, sometimes they will play OK. It sounds like the file Ex-TM6900 is trying to play is encoded in a format that the VU hardware cannot decode. (I cant remember right now what hardware decoding the VU+ supports)

Use MediaInfo to find out what format the video was encoded in.


16-05-11, 18:06
Tried the valerie plug in... that kind even find the avi's on the nas.

The avi's are all dv encoded.

The GS Streamer DV plug is not installed... thats the message i get after trying to view the avi file?

Valerie seems a nice plug in though, a bit like microsoft media centre..

16-05-11, 18:59
Sometimes you need to tweak the names of the AVI files so that it can cross-ref the name with IMDB.org. If you go into Synchronise->Manage->Failed they should be in there.
You can also force it by manually adding the IMDB ref to the avi.

I really like it because it puts all your HDD recordings and AVIs on the PC all in one place, and there's no messing about with filelists and playlists, plus the graphics/covers - makes it easy for the kids (and me).

16-05-11, 20:13
Sometimes you need to tweak the names of the AVI files so that it can cross-ref the name with IMDB.org. If you go into Synchronise->Manage->Failed they should be in there.
You can also force it by manually adding the IMDB ref to the avi.

I really like it because it puts all your HDD recordings and AVIs on the PC all in one place, and there's no messing about with filelists and playlists, plus the graphics/covers - makes it easy for the kids (and me).

Hi Sonc,

Its pretty good and seems to integrate well with BH.

Only problem for me, is that my avi's are home movies, straight from Sony DV cam, so of course cant be referenced against the imdb.org database.