View Full Version : My new toy !!

14-05-11, 14:04
so here i am sat at work on a Saturday afternoon, bored to tears and thoroughly miffed at working today, just waiting to go home at 17:30.

and along comes one of the lads with a wee small pressie for me.
a new 11 and 1/2 inch bowie knife.

now thats just made my day and i now have some thing to play with at work too LOL

14-05-11, 14:07
Lol and how would you "play" with that at work lol

14-05-11, 14:12
Yikes! :eek:

If you call that a toy, remind me never to get on the wrong side of you!


14-05-11, 14:13
aw i'll find a way mate, believe you me.

14-05-11, 15:25
yr crazy

when i saw this post title and saw u as op i thought to my self no way can the diseqe motor have arrived same day

little did i know well forget that yr toys consist of guns and knives

14-05-11, 17:45
Here is something else you might enjoy :cool:
