View Full Version : Mgcamd was killing my internet...be aware

13-05-11, 14:57
for some time I was loosing my internet connection so I couldn't get anywhere but then all was working again. I tought my modem (bridged router) was on it's way out. However on the third occasion I had more closer look and noticed that my connection is alive but outgoing trafic is maxed. Using Wireshark I've found that the flood is comming from my VuDuo box... On packet inspection I've found it has Mgcamd in it. Well, I stopped the softcam and the internet start working perfectly. Right, time to see what is in the config file which I think I got from the net some time ago.

At the L entry (log options) I had some 176.x.x.x /var/etc at option 3 or 4 (don't remember now) and this address was in the config file already, not put by me. I disabled the loging and all is working fine. I don't know if the floding was because the cam tried to write logs to some unknown location or in fact there is a problem with mgcamd logging.

Anyway, it is worth to check what you got in your config file...


13-05-11, 15:08
Its the config file you are right it is trying to send a log to an ip address which is default too mgcamd. Disabling it does sort it as it does stop tje ip flooding. Not sure why it is in there in the first place but digidude found that solution as he was havin it too. Thanks for sharing anyway :D

13-05-11, 16:07
off the top of my head, the config was set to log EVERYTHING in great detail about what mgcamd was doing, i think the option was 'verbose', once the log file hit a set limit, it was then set to be sent, so as not to fill the receivers memory, however, as the IP doesnt exist, it keeps trying to ping it waiting for a reply to send the log file, in the end, what you end up doing is a small scale DDoS attack on yourself