View Full Version : Stream duo to iPhone through air video

13-05-11, 12:42
Has anyone managed to get live stream from duo to iPhone through air video working.
Seen tut for it but only has german channels & seems complicated.
Would like to use it for sly channels

13-05-11, 12:46
Hi wingy,

I had this working for my sly channels a few months back but my broadband upload speed was too slow! The picture was very stop start for me so I gave up..

13-05-11, 13:09
Thanks mcquaim

13-05-11, 14:53
like mcquaim said it is possible but because you are streaming directly off the duo you need a high upload speed inorder to achieve some good results ... other means are doing it via vlc on a computer and then streaming it to your mobile device but i have never tried that

16-05-11, 15:21
Try dreambox live its an app you can download from the app store works flawlessly on iphone. i think there is a thread about it but very easy to set up.

16-05-11, 16:00
I think that app only works over your LAN? AirVideo will work fine over the net providing your upload speed is high enough.. Mine upload speed is pitiful so I ditched this plan at an early stage but it does work..

16-05-11, 18:01
With air video a server program runs on your pc & re encodes the stream ,it knows what speed you are connecting at and adjusts the quality accordingly it works great for me even on 3G rhere is a program that creates mp4 and thumbnail file from you bouquet, that streams the channel I can make a guide for it if you want?

20-05-11, 01:28
Hifal - please make guide as I want to stream Sly via my VU+Duo to my ipad (over internet) on which I have Air Video

Thanks in. Advance

22-05-11, 22:43
No problem i'm a bit busy at work and a new baby, but i'll get it done over the next week or so

10-06-11, 15:55
hi hifial - i too would love a guide on how this is done, as i have got air video installed everywhere, and downloaded some bouquet editor suite, but just stuck on what exactly to do...........

congrats on being a parent

13-06-11, 22:04
Cant wait to see this tut. Would love to have this.