View Full Version : DreamBoxEdit Error

10-05-11, 21:37
When I test the IP Connection on DreamBoxEdit, I get the error message
Failed to connect to the Dreambox on IP address 192.168.x.x (port80)
Yet if I test Username/Password it's successfull.

Any ideas ?

10-05-11, 22:50
This is how It's set up.
So , the things you need to pay attention to in options are :-

1. IP Address of Dreambox. - Enter your box IP here.
2. Dreambox HTTP Server port - Very rarely changed from 80.
3. Username on Dreambox - Nearly always 'root'.
4. Password on Dreambox - Standard password is 'dreambox'.
5. FTP Port - Nearly always 21.
6. File paths on the VU+ DUO

10-05-11, 23:18
I think this is a known problem with DBE. Ignore it and it should connect anyway

10-05-11, 23:21
Thanks charliesen....I'll keep an eye on it.

10-05-11, 23:29
if you have no luck with DBE try one of the others such as dreamset or enigmedit both of which are on this forum to download

10-05-11, 23:46
Thanks pheonix, been using dbedit for ages, without any problems.
Can't explain why this happened.

11-05-11, 00:12
Thanks pheonix, been using dbedit for ages, without any problems.
Can't explain why this happened.

yeah i know what you mean. once every blue moon DBE throws a wobbler for me too.

11-05-11, 16:00
I used dbedit for ages but given up on it now and started using dreamset.