View Full Version : oscam+cccam

07-05-11, 14:14
installato la vix 2.1 tutto ok
messo ultimi driver configurato oscam ok legge sia jsc che tvsat dai card reder, ho il problema che quando faccio partire cccam2.13 tenta di prendersi la priorità sui cardreader e manda in crisi oscam...
esiste la possibilità di disabilitare la lettura card in cccam2.13? che io sappia si può con la 2.2.1 (SCIDEVICES:0 in cccam.cfg)

07-05-11, 15:48
This is what the babelfish translation says:
oscam+cccam installed the vix 2,1 all ok put last driver shaped oscam ok law it is jsc that tvsat from the card reder, I have the problem that when I make to leave cccam2.13 it tries to take the priority on the cardreader and sends in crisis oscam

It doesnt make sense, please try in English.

07-05-11, 16:54
reading card in oscam ok...
cccam + oscam conflict reading card , does not work oscam
cccam card reading takes priority , I want to work with oscam reading card
same configuration on DM800 is ok
sorry for bad english

07-05-11, 18:49
Try removing the cardreader lines out of your CCcam.cfg file or just put a # at the begining of them.

07-05-11, 19:04
You need to stop CCcam from reading the card, you can either change default port from 12000 to 0 or in you emu scripts start CCcam with -s

07-05-11, 19:05
Your other and better option is to use oscam DVB-API

08-05-11, 09:09
This comes from the order in which you have enabled the autostart of cccam/oscam...

You're best bet to do, is to stop both cams. Then, remove autostart from both cams. You should have a blank softcam, apart from the listing of cams installed. Now, select the oscam from the list, and add the autostart (blue). Then start it (green). Then, go down to cccam, and add the autostart, then start it. Check your cccam info, and you should have no entitlements in cccam (i.e. card not read), and when you look at your oscam info, it should read the card. Restart the box, and it should be the same...

08-05-11, 11:19
Try removing the cardreader lines out of your CCcam.cfg file or just put a # at the begining of them.

not know which line ...

08-05-11, 11:29
You need to stop CCcam from reading the card, you can either change default port from 12000 to 0 or in you emu scripts start CCcam with -s

cccam server must work

08-05-11, 11:33
Your other and better option is to use oscam DVB-API

same result
cccam when loading takes priority card

08-05-11, 11:39
This comes from the order in which you have enabled the autostart of cccam/oscam...

You're best bet to do, is to stop both cams. Then, remove autostart from both cams. You should have a blank softcam, apart from the listing of cams installed. Now, select the oscam from the list, and add the autostart (blue). Then start it (green). Then, go down to cccam, and add the autostart, then start it. Check your cccam info, and you should have no entitlements in cccam (i.e. card not read), and when you look at your oscam info, it should read the card. Restart the box, and it should be the same...

already working in this mode
same configuration works with DM800
not understand

thanks in advance

08-05-11, 12:09
same result
cccam when loading takes priority card

If you use DVB-API you no longer use CCcam, let Oscam do everything.

08-05-11, 13:51
same result
cccam when loading takes priority card
Add this line to CCcam.cfg

08-05-11, 14:01
cccam server must work