View Full Version : vix 2.1 password help needed

06-05-11, 21:12
i cant ftp to my vu+ duo after flashing it with VIX 2.1.my box connects to the net and pings ok but even when i tried to connect via ftp it says password hidden and fails. i tried to change the password via telnet:-
root (enter)
password ( leave blank)
it wont connect.
can someone help please as i cant install Cccam without FTPing.

06-05-11, 21:25
i believe password should be dreambox

06-05-11, 21:25
your most likely password is " " as in blank,..nothing

you need to telnet the unit

( login is "root" )
then type

passwd ( not password )

you will be asked to type in a new passwd...but no text will show whilst typeing....once you have typed in the passwd..hit return
you will then asked to retype the password, do so, hit return
you will then get a message,...password changed
you should then be able to ftp to the unit

06-05-11, 21:36
madness this tried both
then i type passwd when password pops up
crazy this
i've not a clue

06-05-11, 21:39
in telnet root and type nothing in password

hit return

then follow my instructions and you should be ok then

08-05-11, 00:48
vix 2.1 there is no password it is blank

but you will find u will be promted for a password if ussing ssh even though its blank and will get a login reject

so u must use telnet to login

then if you want use passwd command to add a password then ssh will work just fine