View Full Version : Swap tuner during timeshift

05-05-11, 21:14

is there any way of watching another channel while pausing another?

wife keeps pausing as she has to do things and I end up watching the paused screen on tuner A while I have 2000 other channels on tuner B

any help appreciated.

05-05-11, 21:17
You can stream onto ur laptop or computer or phone using the free tuner but not sure about on the actual reciever

05-05-11, 22:02
I think, if you are recording instead of live pauseing, you can watch anything you want, your wife on her return, can continue watching the recording, either directly on the tv..or as posted, via streaming to a comp/phone

07-05-11, 10:36
Thank you for that...

bit silly really that you can't switch from tuner a to tuner b...

my old system had that function....


other strange thing is that when I "stream" to PC , the channel changes on TV as well.

is there any way of telling it what tuner to use?

both of my tuners are connected to quad lnb with diseqc

in setup tuner b = tuner a

Thank again

07-05-11, 11:14
when you say diseqc, is that a diseqc 1.2 motorized dish using a quad lnb, or diseqc 1.1 using 0ne or two switch's?
I suspect you are using a single common switch

in any event, the reason for my surgested method aside from my previous post, is that the unit can only produce a single pictire where as the recording is data, so can be watched on the unit, as a delayed recording, whilst you watch the "live" picture on the tuner "B"

As with your set up, and most other setups, where either tuner can watch any sat through a common switch/lnb tuner A would be the default recorder

if for example Tuner A was diseqc 1.1 set to say 19/13/16/28 east and tuner B was set to diseqc 1.2 with say 19/13/16/28 east not configured to work, you could watch a live recording off either dish, and stream from the diseqc 1.1 setup, or 1.2 diseqc setup,

09-05-11, 09:44

I have 3 X quad LNB pointing at 13.0 19.2 28.2 2X diseqc going into VU+

Tuner B is set to "equal tuner A"

Recording works without problem. but streaming seems to default to tuner A which is also the default for watching live tv.

is there any place to change the defaults?

Thank you again.