View Full Version : Time and Filebrowser

30-04-11, 09:55

I have two issues with my VU+ Duo.

The first is that it displays the wrong time. I'm on GMT+2, and this is what I set up on the box, but it shows the time one hour earlier. Obviously it effects all my timers and so on. Couldn't find anywhere to update the time manually.

Another problem I have is that I can't install the FileBrowser. I mean, I do install it from the system extension list, but it doesn't appear anywhere and when I go back to the system extension list I still see it as uninstalled.

Any idea?


30-04-11, 12:53
The time it as far as I know picks it up from the sat, I only every sat my location and the time box sorted itself. Try doing a rescan on the sat for your country and see if it fixes it.

30-04-11, 13:03
is DST enabled, if not, this would cause the time to be an hour out, even when its picked up from the satellite

30-04-11, 21:21

Where do I set up the DST?

30-04-11, 21:40
i dont think you can set up DST on vix 2.1 i dont see the option anywhere

30-04-11, 23:10
Nowhere to disable/enable it...?

If so...failed to understand what digidude offered.

30-04-11, 23:13
I would expect that digidude will respond in the next day or so

wish I could help, but cant

01-05-11, 13:15


And as for the FileBrowser?

Any idea...?

01-05-11, 13:28
never installed the plugin, what is it used for? im guessing browsing the filesystem on your duo?

01-05-11, 13:52

Unless you know of another way to move files from the VU+ HDD to another one?

01-05-11, 14:05
Where u tryna move files to and from?

04-05-11, 10:01
Anyone...any idea...?


17-05-11, 14:47
Where u tryna move files to and from?

I wish to move files from the VU+ to my desktop.

17-05-11, 18:05
open up windows explorer and than click on network and than the VU and drill down to the file you want and than copy and paste to where ever you want to put it.

17-05-11, 19:28
So easy... Too easy.


One follow-up q tho...

For each recording I have the main file
Then the same file name .ts.ap for ~200-300kb.
Then the same file .ts.cuts 1kb
Then the same file .ts.meta 1kb
Then the same file .ts.sc ~3mb

What are the smaller files for? Do I need them at all or can I just delete it?

17-05-11, 19:57
as far as im aware all the files are required inorder for playback on the duo, not sure what they are though, someone will post in and let us both know :p

17-05-11, 22:10
Ok. Will wait. For now I can't transfer the files.

I get a 0x8007003A error...

But that's a Windows issue. Not a VU+ one.

Will sort it out in another forum.

17-05-11, 22:13
Ok. Will wait. For now I can't transfer the files.

I get a 0x8007003A error...

But that's a Windows issue. Not a VU+ one.

Will sort it out in another forum.

I on windows 7 and put a network mount up so i got the duos root folder on my computer as a network hdd. To be honest i find it a lot faster transfering large files via ftp to my pc. I use the network mount fot quick checks and edits and logs mainly

17-05-11, 22:22
Ok. Will wait. For now I can't transfer the files.

I get a 0x8007003A error...

But that's a Windows issue. Not a VU+ one.

Will sort it out in another forum.

To be able to play back the recording on a PC you only need the .TS file.

17-05-11, 22:26
To be able to play back the recording on a PC you only need the .TS file.

Thanks for that mate i wasnt too sure myself :p

18-05-11, 08:51
Yep. FTP works great.

Thanks for the tip!

One last question....

Some of these files are 5gb...

Any recommended software that will help me shrink them to ~1gb with reasonable decrease in the quality?

p.s. I just finished to transfer the first file from the VU+ to my computer to find out I can't skip at all. Can't forward, can't rewind. Gotta watch it all in one piece. Any solution to that?

18-05-11, 10:16
theres a topic here on the forum where people been discussing best software for that


in regards to ur recordings, what you using to watch the recording vlc? or windows media?

18-05-11, 10:48
in regards to ur recordings, what you using to watch the recording vlc? or windows media?


Hmmmm...tried now with WMP and it does skip but ...doesn't have sound.

18-05-11, 11:34
Try vlc or could be a codec issue. I use vlc and all works fine. Have you installed a codec pack? Pheonix posts regular updates to kazaa code pack on this forum is u searc for it. It has everything you need in order to play any file format. Try vlc first if nt install the codec pack n try again

18-05-11, 12:32
I prefer KMP as it's the only decent player that allows easy skipping while playing the file. You can skip 5 sec back and forward in a keystroke. Nothing like that in VLC or WMP which makes it a hell for me to work with.

Will go for the codec pack in hope it'll make a diff.

18-05-11, 12:43
yeh give that a try let us know if it works

18-05-11, 12:57
Sorry... searched the forum and couldn't find anything like that.

When I google for Kazaa codec I get the K-lite ones. Is that the same?

18-05-11, 13:00
sorry yeh K-Lite codecs got used to the other name Kazaa lol here the post anyway


18-05-11, 15:20
Ok, updated K-lite.

Still no change on the KMP.

WMP works fine, but it's really ineffective to me.

Anyhow, I'll go start shrinking these files and see how they function on the KMP in a different format/file type. Will act according to that.


18-05-11, 18:11
No prob mate. Thanks for lettin us know. Must be something in KMplayer thats its not liking but have a play about see if you can get it working

Rob van der Does
20-05-11, 16:54
The first is that it displays the wrong time. I'm on GMT+2, and this is what I set up on the box, but it shows the time one hour earlier. Obviously it effects all my timers and so on. Couldn't find anywhere to update the time manually.
The threat went a bit off-topic, but is your time-problem solved?
Try setting an other timezone, and see if that makes a difference.
Although there is no setting for DST on/off, that might be included in the several "GMT+2"-zones.

22-05-11, 11:26
Tried to work with VideoReDo and staxrip. The later did a good job ripping one 5gb .ts file to 1gb avi and then it worked well, with sound, skipping and all on my player.

Yet since then two other files I loaded on staxrip made the software crash, so... I'll move on.

Probably give TSDoctor and FreeMake a try...

Thanks for the concern.

05-06-11, 13:23
Forgot to get back on this one...

Using FTP to d/l the files then Freemake to cut and convert them to ~1-1.5GB files.

All works well.

A few files I can't play with KMP or Freemake (but can with WMP) but those I'll get back to later probably with some TS error fix software. I hope it'll fix it.

All in all...all set.

Thanks again for y'all.