View Full Version : i just installed 320 giga need help for epg

27-04-11, 14:19
hey guys i need some help for using Epg, i searched a guide for epg but i couldnt find it
i installed new hdd 320giga i need to record some footballs tonight, i never recorded before, so please guide me how to activate epg and will automatic record , thanks againg

27-04-11, 14:47
What image are you using?

27-04-11, 14:55
the latest ViX-2.1

27-04-11, 15:10
Ok, moved to correct section.

Setup epg in blue button > Vix menu > Crossepg.

27-04-11, 15:17
ok i went that i chosed XMLTV providers , and than some rytec uk and uk bbc it downloaded thinks is that right?

27-04-11, 15:30
now made some auto timers for championsleague ,

27-04-11, 20:08
The crossepg is much better on vix and personally cant fault it. If i was you use that with opentv as source.

02-05-11, 07:05
Since I've moved to VIX 2.1 I've been having problems with OpenTV. The data seems to download fine and the box goes into radio mode but during the summaries parsing it hangs. I've switched to rytec now and that works fine but still very curios about OpenTV. Any ideas?

02-05-11, 11:15
I tended to get this when I uploaded a new set of Bouquets and a full rescan normally did the job. Having said that I uploaded the other day the Silverfox bouquets and CEPG worked fine. It used to hang for me at download though and not parsing.

02-05-11, 16:08
If Crossepg hangs, try creating a swapfile ;)

02-05-11, 17:04
make sure the location for the epg is pointing to where you store it i.e usb stick or hdd ... check the crossepg configurations and also the menu/setup/vix/vix settings as they should both be pointing to usb stick or hdd depending on what you use

17-05-11, 20:39
Finally had some time to give this another go. You were right Punisher the Vix setting was pointing to internal flash so I changed this to USB like the Cross EPG setting and the swap file is working fine however I'm still having the same problem. i.e.Open TV download gets stuck at the end of parsing summaries and Rytek just gets "done" in a couple of seconds.

Any other thoughts greatly appreciated.

17-05-11, 20:45
mine used to get stuck but it completed it in the end, not sure why it used to do that, have you given it a few minutes to parse? also how many sats you using? or is it just sky uk?

18-05-11, 09:34
It's just Sky UK I'm trying at the moment.

I just gave it another go now without changing anything ant the epg downloaded fine although I'm not convinced everything's ok. I still got the tuner failed message and after finishing downloading the VIX splash screen stayed on and didn't go back to the viewing channel.

18-05-11, 10:07
only thing i can suggest is if all ur setup is ok, try a reflash from scratch, dont restore the settings, do full online updates and then try again and see if it was a plugin causing the issues