View Full Version : Understanding Earthquakes

17-04-11, 13:02
Earthquakes explained so you can remember
It might be well to be a bit knowledgeable about earthquakes in case someone asks or wants to know more about them, especially in view of recent events. I found this explanation easy to understand.

What's the difference between
an oscillatory and a trepidatory earthquake?
1. This calculation is just for engineers:


2. And this one is for those ignorant -- like you and me:

This is a trepidatory earthquake:

Click on the pic below

This is an oscillatory earthquake:


And this is a combination of both: (trepidatory and oscillatory)


Science is beautiful when it is well explained...

17-04-11, 13:36
LMAO explained beautifully

17-04-11, 14:52
PMSL :roflmao: luv the graphical explanation :zoom:

17-04-11, 18:28

thats brilliant

man if i had a graphical explaination of an eathquake i wouldnt mind being in one

and beleive me they are fooking scary was in the middle of one in 2005 have a fear of em since cant even stand in the earthquake simulator at londons natural history mueasium