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View Full Version : Vu+ Uno and Vu+ Primo, new boxes releases

17-03-11, 12:18
Anyone know what date the new receivers from Vu+ will be out?

I am talking about the top of the line Vu+ Primo with modular tuners and many other new features in it, also the Vu+ Uno will arrive, probably with DVB-T2 tuner as optional.

It is said they will be shown at Anga Cable in Köln this spring, but the street date is unknown

17-03-11, 12:29
Anyone know what date the new receivers from Vu+ will be out?

I am talking about the top of the line Vu+ Primo with modular tuners and many other new features in it, also the Vu+ Uno will arrive, probably with DVB-T2 tuner as optional.

It is said they will be shown at Anga Cable in Köln this spring, but the street date is unknown

Well, if it's like when dmm mentioned the release of a dm7020hd, then it'll be quite a while :p. The 7020hd was first known of about a year ago, and we still haven't heard any more of it... Then again, they also mentioned the dm800hd se at the same time, and that's now available, so who knows :confused:


17-03-11, 13:26
There are pages up but they blocked them the same day it came out.



17-03-11, 13:33
All in good time the Uno will be announced. The other is going to be call the Ultmio or Ultimate (something like that).

They are going to be addition's to the range, not replacements.

17-03-11, 16:15
All in good time the Uno will be announced. The other is going to be call the Ultmio or Ultimate (something like that).

They are going to be addition's to the range, not replacements.

And no one beleived me on this forum when i told you that there would be new ones coming 2 months ago.

Anyway, do you have any picture to post for us so we can see if it's still as ugly as the Duo?

17-03-11, 16:24
And no one beleived me on this forum when i told you that there would be new ones coming 2 months ago.

Anyway, do you have any picture to post for us so we can see if it's still as ugly as the Duo?

Dont know what you talking about lol. Theres a thread here from last month http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?6734-Rumours-of-new-Vu-receivers

17-03-11, 16:28
There has been rumors about a new VU+ box since last summer lol:D

whats ugly about the DUO?

and which box is the best looking?

17-03-11, 22:27
and which box is the best looking?

Chaparral Monterey 40 or Steve Chilver SCT500

Built like a tank, highend quality.

17-03-11, 22:29
Chaparral Monterey 40 or Steve Chilver SCT500

Built like a tank, highend quality.

Chaparral Monterey 40 was a great looking box in its time dont build them like that any more :zoom:

18-03-11, 15:49
Your sponsor on this site probably knows more than we do about the release date for the new models, so bring it out to the public.

Darkman knows, aka Alsat.

18-03-11, 16:34
Your sponsor on this site probably knows more than we do about the release date for the new models, so bring it out to the public.

Darkman knows, aka Alsat.

the manufacturer has yet to even announce the specs of these receivers let alone a release date so any one saying otherwise is lying.

18-03-11, 17:45
Your sponsor on this site probably knows more than we do about the release date for the new models, so bring it out to the public.

Darkman knows, aka Alsat.

Darkman knows a little, because afaik, he is the official uk distributor chosen by vu for the uk... so he's going to know more than anyone else. Plus, what vu are likely to release, dm has already said as much as they would like...

Sent from my HTC Desire Z

18-03-11, 18:13
Guys leave it to VU+ to announce. I could spill the beans, but then that would be telling :p

21-03-11, 11:02
I got some more info for you guys now.

Uno will be sampled end of April and Ultimo(Primo) will be sampled in the end of May, so give it 2 to 3 months minimum.

21-03-11, 14:48
I got some more info for you guys now.

Uno will be sampled end of April and Ultimo(Primo) will be sampled in the end of May, so give it 2 to 3 months minimum.

Why dont you just sit back and wait for VU+ to make it official instead of this speculation?

21-03-11, 14:52
Why dont you just sit back and wait for VU+ to make it official instead of this speculation?

some people just love the limelight i guess.

21-03-11, 15:58
Why dont you just sit back and wait for VU+ to make it official instead of this speculation?

It's not speculation, i got this info today, take like you want, i don't care, i am sure many other people are happy to know.

21-03-11, 16:02
It's not speculation, i got this info today, take like you want, i don't care, i am sure many other people are happy to know.

not really mate

a new box will ber out soon nice

a new intel processer will be out soon too

big woop im still using and am happy with my 4 yr old quad extreme

21-03-11, 16:02
It's not speculation, i got this info today, take like you want, i don't care, i am sure many other people are happy to know.

You may well be right. We have information too, but we do the right thing and wait for VU+ to formally announce.

21-03-11, 16:03
Good for you kiddie.

not really mate

a new box will ber out soon nice

a new intel processer will be out soon too

big woop im still using and am happy with my 4 yr old quad extreme

21-03-11, 16:05
You may well be right. We have information too, but we do the right thing and wait for VU+ to formally announce.

And i know why you don't give out information and you know too.

21-03-11, 16:08
And i know why you don't give out information and you know too.

I don't know what you are trying to insinuate, but we don't give out information because its given to us in confidence.

21-03-11, 16:09

Vu+ Uno end of March, first samples will be out.

Vu+ Primo later today.

21-03-11, 16:11
I don't know what you are trying to insinuate, but we don't give out information because its given to us in confidence.
See picture above, proof enough.

21-03-11, 16:15
You know EXACTLY what you are trying to insinuate, confidence towards your sponsor?

What on earth are you talking about??? We've known for months that these are coming and for the record they're additions to the range, not replacements as some people may think.

21-03-11, 16:23
What on earth are you talking about??? We've known for months that these are coming and for the record they're additions to the range, not replacements as some people may think.

I never said they were replacements but Duo will be phased out eventually.

Also i think its you obligation to inform other members on this forum if you know about the new boxes, this is by the end a hobby for all or not for some?

Also when i told you about these new boxes ages ago you told me i was on crack, you remember?

if you want me to remove my posts i will do it, otherwise i see no point in going to this forum anymore to inform other people

21-03-11, 16:29
I never said they were replacements but Duo will be phased out eventually.

Also i think its you obligation to inform other members on this forum if you know about the new boxes, this is by the end a hobby for all or not for some?

Obligation??? Why? Its not down to us to announce new model? We prefer to wait for VU+ to announce them along with the full specification and for the record there is no current plans to phase out the Duo.

Like I said earlier, we did not need your proof, we've known about new models since last year. Every manufacturer brings out new models. So what?? We prefer to wait for official announcement and specifications rather than speculate.

21-03-11, 16:33
Like I said earlier, we did not need your proof, we known about new models since last year. Every manufacturer brings out new models. So what?? We prefer to wait for official announcement and specifications rather than speculate.

Dude, this is no speculation this is the first sample that is out, we are not far away from release mate.

As i said, remove the thread if you don't like it, it's your forum.

21-03-11, 16:38
Dude, this is no speculation this is the first sample that is out, we are not far away from release mate.

Release dates, full specifications etc.. are speculation until VU+ formally announce.

21-03-11, 19:46
a piture vu+uno

21-03-11, 22:20
look, who really cares?

vu might release new new boxes tomorrow, or in 12 months time...

No-one can say for sure. Yes, Likvid, you have come out with some kind of timescales. Where have these timescales come from? Someone who's guaranteed them? Think about all Apple Macbook pro fanatics... Some people want a mbp pro right there and then. They go out and buy it that day. Others are prepared to wait for the rumours... Most of the times, the rumours come out saying there'll be a new one in a few weeks time. Sometimes, a new one comes out ina few weeks. Others, they're not out for another few months or longer... Only difference is, new mbp supersede old ones... That's not the case here from what we've seen!

Just imagine. A member is interested in buying a new vu+. They've read this thread, and think "hmmmmm, I'll wait for a couple of months, they'll be cheaper then". In a couple of months, still not out. So, still waiting. Then, 6 months down the line, "f00k it, I'll go out and buy the duo, fed up of waiting". Two weeks later, new one out. The member had spent £350 buying the duo, whereas the primo is now on sale for £400. The member thinks that after all of this waiting, they'd have preferred to spend the £350 6 months ago, got the use out of the box rather than wait for 6 months, pay the same, and find that they could've got a newer box for only £50 more . They would've been much happier getting use of duo for 6 months... Yes, they might've preferred to wait a further month and spend the extra £50, but that's vu+'s fault for not telling people a new version is out, not the retailers... Do Amazon, Dixons etc go out and say "hey guys, apple are gonna release a new macbook pro in 6 weeks time. don't buy one from us, and just wait for the new version!".

Other option, member can buy the vu duo now, costing £350. They think "nah, will wait, there's a new version coming out soon, will get that". New version comes out, costs £500. The member thinks "wtf, that's too expensive, not gonna buy that, shall I wait for a while and see if it comes down or buy a duo?!". Member decides to buy the duo, in a month's time, the primo comes down to £450. "Oh bugger". Member waits for primo to come down, in 6 months time, the prio is still £500, and member is fed up of waiting...

What I'm saying ... Everything is all the end users decision... I've been annoyed at times for buying stuff, and soon regretting it as things have changed soon after. Other times, I've gone out, and been happy at making the right decision (like the vu duo, as I got that for £350 from a retailer's voucher when everyone else was still charging £400). Everything is the end users decision, and a retailer is not gonna fall out with the manufacturer just to keep customers happy for nothing!!!

21-03-11, 22:28
I couldn't agree more, just gone and bought a Panasonic Plasma with the 2011 models due very shortly but it was a good deal and doubt very much if the new models would be as good value for money. same applies to the logic PF has stated above. i would rather buy a VU now knowing there is plenty of support and get good use out of it than wait for a new receiver ie DM 7020HD. That was being talked about when I first bought the DUO and it still has not hit the shelves.

The boxes might be out in 6 days or 6 months end of the day everything is a gamble.

21-03-11, 22:43
It seems this forums attitude is ruled by your sponsor, i never seen such unfriendly forum ever, people wants to know what's coming out, that's fine but you are not the public, other forums this is the topic of the night, you're not and it's you loss.

As to your plasma from Panasonic you are so wrong, the new ones from Panny and the first reviews of the ST30 says it's a big upgrade from previous generation, i am sure you are happy with floating blacks which your Panasonic suffers from? 2011 models do not suffer from this.

You should learn that technology is fast forward and not backwards, you seem to be stepping backwards here, if you don't have the money to upgrade that's fine but the general sat community wants to upgrade all the time with new stuff, maybe not here.

Anyway i have no interest in this forum anymore as it's fulfilled it's purpose.

Bye bye.

21-03-11, 22:49
That last post says more about you than this forum. As for being an unfriendly forum you couldn't be more wrong, when I first started out on this lark, I joined the Nabiosat forum and some of the mods there are right little Hitlers and simple questions go unanswered because its beneath the elevated heights of the oracles who inhabited them, I could add some PC forums to that list as well.

No one is saying don't post the info but to invite speculation on a product that is possibly weeks/months/years away from hitting the shelves is useful how? Do you think our drooling over it is going to change its capabilities in any way?

Some of your comments on here would have got a much stiffer response on many other forums but you haven't even been mildly scolded yet decided to depart centre stage in a huff.:confused::confused:

Yeh am happy with my purchase and guess will have to live with the floating blacks and the crap picture.:thumbsup::thumbsup:

I have no association with the sponsor whatsoever and most definatley will not change my views to make him happy - not that he has EVER asked me or to my knowledge any of the other members I am friends with.

Any way good luck wherever you land up:wave::wave:

21-03-11, 23:02
It seems this forums attitude is ruled by your sponsor, i never seen such unfriendly forum ever, people wants to know what's coming out, that's fine but you are not the public, other forums this is the topic of the night, you're not and it's you loss.

Livkid, you are talking nonsense! Ruled by our sponsor?? What are you on?? The sponsor has everything to gain from this news as they'll be selling the new models too, so not really sure what your trying to say! If you sit back and carefully read my replies, you'll see what i'm saying is that your posting dates etc.. that have not been fully confirmed by VU+!

We've got nothing against the news of the new model, I mean we'll be supporting them with ViX images, so why should we be against the news???

We are just as excited as all other VU+ customers/owners! We are simply saying wait for VU+ to make a formal announcement with regards to dates etc....

21-03-11, 23:47
It seems this forums attitude is ruled by your sponsor, i never seen such unfriendly forum ever, people wants to know what's coming out, that's fine but you are not the public, other forums this is the topic of the night, you're not and it's you loss.

i personally dont understand this response.

most if not all other satellite forum i know ( and i'm on several hundred ) are more bothered with what can be hacked / cracked and bust wide open, and on those forums i see dozens if not hundreds of threads go unanswered where members are just asking questions or asking for help.

this forum on the other hand i have found is the exact opposite, we quite literally bend over backwards to help our members out where and where ever possible. for example i asked 4 picon makers today if they could help me in making a set of picons for 156 east for a friend of mine in Australia, a satellite which i cant even receive. and once i received those picons i posted them not only here but on several other forums for people to use.

now as others have said i have no problems with you posting news about other receivers but untill VU them selves make a announcement i will consider it speculation and conjecture.

22-03-11, 00:02
OK Likvid, what would you prefer?! We sat here quietly disregarding your questions? What would your answer have been then? Either way, you're trying to get in to an arguement by the sounds of it... If you choose not to frequent here, that's your choice. I thought you were more grown up and more mature than to start spouting stuff out, and then just leave because you aren't happy no-one is playing up to an audiance :confused:

We don't necessarily want you to leave, I will not be begging you to stay either. As long as you stay within the rules, you can talk about what you like... Just people don't always tell you want you want.