View Full Version : Difference between timer and autotimer?

10-03-11, 21:28
Currentlly I am only setting timers to record and they give me the option to set them daily and weekly etc, what do autotimers do exactly? Will they adjust the programmes times where the regular timer may miss the programme for example the regular timer won't be good to record match of the day because it always comes on at slightly different times sort of thing:p

10-03-11, 21:31
Autotimers are like series link, you can configure them to set times days or any incidents of the proggy title and it will than search the EPG and automatically record the programme.
Make sure you set your autotimer to poll (search the EPG) once a day and to do this press long green AFTER you have set up a AT and than menu to configure.

10-03-11, 22:53
thanks again mate, I also changed the poll only when in standby to disabled too incase the receiver rarely goes to standby, I have set up a test run for the football league show this saturday and see how that goes:p