View Full Version : HDD access from second Vu+

10-03-11, 21:25
I am running a vu+ with a HDD in my room and my brother has the same receiver without a HDD installed in his room, I was told there was a way he could access recordings from my receiver, how do I go about setting this up exactly, many thanks:p

10-03-11, 21:29
There is a plugin called partner box.
You could also go into networkbrowser on your brothera DUO and click on your duo and mount the HDD .

10-03-11, 22:37
cheers mate I went via the network browser method as the partner box thing set up comes up in the plug ins but after that it wasn't clear where I should go, seems to work wel, but I tried to record to my hard drive via his receiver put couldn't get it going, is this possible too?

10-03-11, 22:55
Is there also a way he can watch whats running currently running live on my az box? I will play with that and see if theres a way of getting that going! thanks again.

11-03-11, 12:40
You can't as far as I know watch live on another box, only via web.
As for recording to your HDD did you change recording paths?

11-03-11, 12:48
the best person to speak to about this would be silverfox as i know he has one HDD networked from his duo and shared with his solo as well.

11-03-11, 13:36
cheers mate I went via the network browser method as the partner box thing set up comes up in the plug ins but after that it wasn't clear where I should go, seems to work wel, but I tried to record to my hard drive via his receiver put couldn't get it going, is this possible too?

if you wish to record to another hard drive from your vu+ to another vu+ you can do it via network mount or even just install parrtnerbox and use partnerbox:remote timer from extensions. when you open this it will give you the timers on that box then press yellow and itwill give you the bouquets to choose from. pick a channel from list and press yellow again to see epg and setup timer.
sounds longwinded but is very simple and quick when you get used to it.
partnerbox remote player lets you pick a bouquet>channel and press ok to stream it to your vu+ perfectly without any freeze and they can still watch tv using other tuner on their box at same time. i find this plugin fantastic on my solo as i only have 28 east fixed dish on this but can still watch all my motorised channels from my duo to my solo this way

11-03-11, 14:35
just read this thread

yes i have my ET9000 and Solo connected to my DUO

what i dont is use a 1tb hdd inside duo and a 100gb hdd on esta

the 1tb used for movies and 100gb used for picon,epg,timeshift for all boxes

i made folders as bellow on usb


then set mountpoints

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

this is a automount.xml

once done i then setup crossepg to go to DUOUSB and also timeshift to got to

/media/net/DUOUSB/et9000 and solo

theis then will use the duo hdd for both boxes as if they where native

12-03-11, 00:35
Thanks a lot guys I will pick my way through that lot slowly as I am generally quite the beginner although I am having some reservations now as in the early morning I was trying to sleep and the hard disk was spinning keeping me awake while my brother looked through and watched my recordings!:eek:

12-03-11, 01:19
Put a reply tomorrow...

I do exactly the same as silver, albeit slightly differently :p. I use fstab to mount my network drive rather than automount, and find it better for my needs. But as said, reply to this 2moz to remind me to reply ;-)

Sent from my HTC Desire Z