View Full Version : Please help me setup my box

05-03-11, 21:27
Hi guys, when I bought my Vu+ Duo from my local satellite shop it came pre installed with all the channels from 68.5e to 58w. The guy said he had done this so that when the installer came to fit my dish and motor he would not have top do a (long) channel scan. The channels would already be there. Anyhow, when the installer came and setup the dish there was a problem with the box, basicly it "green screened" everytime he put the coax lead into the box. To cut a long story short, I decided to do a factory reset and copy a "satellites.xml" file over to /etc/tuxbox (I got the xml from here > http://www.satellites-xml.eu/). After a 12 hour scan it has picked up over 7000 channels/radio stations. What I am wanting to know is, how did the installer get all the channels on the box without doing a scan? I am wanting to know so if I ever need to factory reset again, I will not have have to do another 12hr scan. One thing I have also noticed since doing a reset is that there are no channel images anymore. When I first set my box up; even tho I had no dish, I could navigate the menues and what not and there where channel icons for most of the stations. So, What files do I need to get a hold of to be able to copy over a COMPLETE channel log of every satellite I am able to pick up (68.5e to 58w) with it being the most upto date as possible.

Thanks for taking the time to read this rather long post. Im hoping somebody would be kind enough to reply asap so I can get to grips with it and give it a try.
Once again, Thanks for reading.

05-03-11, 21:32
he copied a bouquet set onto the box

05-03-11, 21:39
OK I see. Any idea how I would go about doing the same thing? Cheers

05-03-11, 21:42
yes use dreamboxedit and any of the e2 bouquets from the bouquet section

05-03-11, 21:44
Go into the Engima 2 forum and there all in there, along with tutorials, if you get stuck post up here.

05-03-11, 21:48
Thank You. I would rather not use dreamboxedit tho, I like to do things manually. I think its the best way to learn. Cheers. Ill look into the enigma 2 forum and chack it out.

edit: Im assuming you mean the Enigma 2 Settings (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/forumdisplay.php?21-Enigma-2-Settings) forum?

05-03-11, 21:49
Thank You. I would rather not use dreamboxedit tho, I like to do things manually. I think its the best way to learn. Cheers. Ill look into the enigma 2 forum and chack it out.

er dreambox edit or a silimar programme is your only option unless you want to manually scan every single satellite one by one

05-03-11, 21:54
Ah, ok, thats a bit of a bummer, I dont usually use third party programs, and Im on a Linux box atm. What other alternatives are out there ?

05-03-11, 21:59
dreambox edit

05-03-11, 23:49
OK, Ive got to grips with that but am not sure on what e2 bouquets file to use. Which should I use? Cheers

EDIT: Can I not just download the bouquets I need and manually copy them/it over to /etc/enigma2 ?

05-03-11, 23:50
OK, Ive got to grips with that but am not sure on what e2 bouquets file to use. Which should I use? Cheers

that depends on what satellites you want to receive. for example the silverfox ones only cover sky uk and uk terrestria tv

05-03-11, 23:51
which satellites you plan on watching?

06-03-11, 00:04
68.5e to 58w. I have just d/l Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-58 West 05.03.2011. Not sure if this is the right one for my setup ?

06-03-11, 00:09
68.5e to 58w. I have just d/l Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-58 West 05.03.2011. Not sure if this is the right one for my setup ?

yes that will be fine.

06-03-11, 00:14
And I copy EVERYTHING from the .rar to /etc/enigma2 ?

06-03-11, 00:22

you have to use a ftp prog like dreambox edit

or down load a "settings" list via your unit, ( think this is your best option )

also, before you go to far,...do you know what image ( control / operating system ) you are using, ie; VIX or PLI, or VTI images

ie, when you start the unit, you get a splash screen, normally with the controll system, known as the "image",s name


06-03-11, 09:22
My Image is Enigma (Vu+ Image Xtreme) Feb 21 2001 - Image Duo v2.0.3 -2001-02-20. I use my own FTP program. I just need to know where to put the files from the Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-58 West 05.03.2011.rar file. I think everything goes in /etc/emigma2 except the xml which goes in /tuxbox. I just need confirmation.

06-03-11, 09:23
My Image is Enigma (Vu+ Image Xtreme) Feb 21 2001 - Image Duo v2.0.3 -2001-02-20. I use my own FTP program. I just need to know where to put the files from the Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-58 West 05.03.2011.rar file. I think everything goes in /etc/emigma2 except the xml which goes in /tuxbox. I just need confirmation.

Read here http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?623-How-to-send-save-Enigma-Settings-to-the-VUDuo-using-DBEdit

06-03-11, 09:26
Thankyou. Will Do.

06-03-11, 10:37
Ok, Read all I need to read but everything states I need to use DBedit or similar. My problem is I am running a Linux box so cannnot run any of these programs. All I want to know is what directories I need to MANUALY copy over the files from Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-58 West 05.03.2011.rar to. Cheers. And sorry for being a pain.

06-03-11, 10:54
Ok, Read all I need to read but everything states I need to use DBedit or similar. My problem is I am running a Linux box so cannnot run any of these programs. All I want to know is what directories I need to MANUALY copy over the files from Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-58 West 05.03.2011.rar to. Cheers. And sorry for being a pain.

Look closely at the screenshots in the guide ;)

Make sure the extract the rar file.

Dreambox edit is run on your PC, or do you mean you are running a Linux PC?

06-03-11, 10:59
Because you are running a linux box you need to use one of those programs, why do you want to manually install them, those software are made for linux box thats what they are meant to do

Sic i dont think he wants to use any software to transfer the files

06-03-11, 11:28
ok if your so insistent on ftp'ing them over instead of using programmes specifically written for the job here goes.
(these are the default locations for E2 systems, although some teams can and do change these locations.)

services and bouquet files plus user bouquet files go into

satellites.xml file goes into

picons go into


06-03-11, 12:27
Hi, I factory reset my box and setup the LNB settings etc. I then copyied the the files over from Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-58 West 05.03.2011.rar to the correct directories. I restarted the box but have came across a problem. Basicly, I can not get any channels. I have included a few screenshots to show what I mean. What can I be doing wrong? Surely I do not need to do a scan, or do I? I`m stumped. Thank you for being patiant with me, I know your going to get a bit sick of me soon so I am trying to get this sorted as fast as I can. Cheers.


06-03-11, 12:41
Try using the latest Dreamset dont tick reload/reset in transfare box and then restart gui


06-03-11, 13:01
i dont think he wants to use any software basset but manually transfer them

06-03-11, 13:02
Hi, I factory reset my box and setup the LNB settings etc. I then copyied the the files over from Catseye E2 Settings File 75 East-58 West 05.03.2011.rar to the correct directories. I restarted the box but have came across a problem. Basicly, I can not get any channels. I have included a few screenshots to show what I mean. What can I be doing wrong? Surely I do not need to do a scan, or do I? I`m stumped. Thank you for being patiant with me, I know your going to get a bit sick of me soon so I am trying to get this sorted as fast as I can. Cheers.


this is why you need to use specific programmes as they have the option to "reload" the settings once they have been transferred. this is a essential part of the process.

06-03-11, 13:21
OK, I see. It looks like I will have to just bite the bullet and use the program you suggested, UNLESS there is a way of manually "reloading" the settings once Ive tranfered the files? Thanks

EDIT: Is there a Telnet command to reload the settings once copied over?

06-03-11, 13:26
Here is how i set up Dreamset for use with the VU+ and using these type of programs you can edit/delete/move settings around as needed:D

06-03-11, 14:18
Is there a Telnet command to reload the settings, surely all the program does is send said command to the box ?

06-03-11, 14:30
Just restart GUI on the box its a lot faster than getting a telnet session going

06-03-11, 17:47
OK Guys, Ive sussed it out :) After Id FTP`d the files over to the box I had to do a manual scan on all the satellites; it only took half an hour but im up and running now (for the first part of my action plan at least ;) ). Theres a few oddites and glitches but at least thats another thing I have learnt. THANK YOU ALL WHO HAVE HELPED ME IN THIS THREAD :)

06-03-11, 17:53
OK Guys, Ive sussed it out :) After Id FTP`d the files over to the box I had to do a manual scan on all the satellites; it only took half an hour but im up and running now (for the first part of my action plan at least ;) ). Theres a few oddites and glitches but at least thats another thing I have learnt. THANK YOU ALL WHO HAVE HELPED ME IN THIS THREAD :)

lol. ive been at this game since 1989 and i'm still learning every day. glad you got it sussed though.

06-03-11, 18:07
Glad you got all sorted now mate :thumbsup: