View Full Version : bootlogo.mvi doesn't show when booting

25-05-24, 14:46
I know this isn't a major issue, my VU+ Duo2 4K performs perfectly apart from this little quirk.

The bootlogo.mvi doesn't show when my box boots up. It's been like this since day one. I've had loads of Openvix versions and it has always been this way. But I do like to make my own boot screens and it is annoying that I can't see it boot up as it should. I never had the issue with the VU Ultimo 4K.

To check which file is not showing, I made 2 mvi images with the words bootlogo and backdrop on the respective image. I only see the backdrop.mvi on booting. Both files are where they should be.

I've tried making them 1280x720 and 1920x1080 but it doesn't make any difference.

I've changed the screen viewing mode size to all sizes but it is the same.

I've made a video to show you what it does.


Are all VU+ Duo2 4K boxes affected by this or is it just mine?

25-05-24, 19:27
Where exactly have you put each file?

25-05-24, 21:30

25-05-24, 21:40
Mine work okay on Vu Solo 4K and Vu+ Uno 4K SE when placed in /etc/enigma2/

26-05-24, 01:08
To check which file is not showing, I made 2 mvi images with the words bootlogo and backdrop on the respective image. I only see the backdrop.mvi on booting. Both files are where they should be.I put bootlogo.mvi into /etc/enigma2.
I put a random one in on each boot (except at Christmas, when it always gets the Christmas one). It's always worked for me. It switches half way through boot up (after boot, as enigma2 starts).

26-05-24, 10:08
/usr/share is the system location. You should never use this.

Location priority is like this:

SEARCHDIRS="/etc/enigma2/${SKIN} /etc/enigma2/skin_common /etc/enigma2 /usr/share/enigma2/${SKIN} /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default /usr/share/enigma2 /usr/share"

So /etc/enigma2 takes 3rd place in priority. And the logo gets saved in the backup for reinsertion on reflash.

If a bootlogo.mvi does not display you need to check in the locations with higher priority to fine what is blocking it.

26-05-24, 18:07
/usr/share is the system location. You should never use this.

Location priority is like this:

SEARCHDIRS="/etc/enigma2/${SKIN} /etc/enigma2/skin_common /etc/enigma2 /usr/share/enigma2/${SKIN} /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default /usr/share/enigma2 /usr/share"

So /etc/enigma2 takes 3rd place in priority. And the logo gets saved in the backup for reinsertion on reflash.

If a bootlogo.mvi does not display you need to check in the locations with higher priority to fine what is blocking it.

I deleted the 2 files in user/share and ftp the 2 files to etc/enigma2 but I still only get the one showing on boot.

26-05-24, 18:09
What two files? Your post says bootlogo.

26-05-24, 18:19
Also, no need to be deleting things. That is what priority is about.

If you have backdrop.mvi and bootlogo.mvi in /etc/enigma2 and one does not work, most likely the file is corrupt.

26-05-24, 18:20
I deleted the 2 files in user/share and ftp the 2 files to etc/enigma2 but I still only get the one showing on boot.
AFAIR it only ever looks for bootlogo.mvi.

26-05-24, 18:44

I've tried various different bootlogo/backdrop files, so it isn't corruption. My original files which worked perfectly on my VU Ultimo4K doesn't show.

What I have noticed, after the original VU logo, I get a black screen for about 2-3 seconds and then for a millisecond I got a dotty screen (for want of a better way of describing it) before returning to black and then the backdrop.mvi showing. It really is quick, I've tried to take a screenshot from the video I uploaded earlier. But the camera had adjusted the brightness setting and it is too quick to show you how it really looks. I'll add it anyway just realise this is normally dark with various screen dots.

I'm wondering if it could be a fault with the VU Duo 4K SE bootloader.



26-05-24, 18:49
AFAIR it only ever looks for bootlogo.mvi.

Actually, that would explain a lot. My VU Ultimo4K always showed both, but maybe the VU Duo 4K SE is different.

As I said in my first post, it isn't a major issue and something I can live with. It works fine otherwise.

EDIT: It's the Backdrop it shows, not the bootlogo.

27-05-24, 02:05
EDIT: It's the Backdrop it shows, not the bootlogo.Odd. The enigma2 code only mentions bootlogo.mvi.
Some plugins mention backdrop.mvi, though.

27-05-24, 09:36
@thecaretaker, do you have bootlogo file here : \Root\var\etc\init.d\

# avoid the console messages clobbering our logo
[ -f /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind ] && echo 0 > /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind
# and set the correct videomode before showing the bootlogo
[ -f /etc/videomode ] && cat /etc/videomode > /proc/stb/video/videomode

if [ -x /usr/bin/showiframe ]; then
SKIN=`sed -En 's|config\.skin\.primary_skin=(.+)/skin\.xml|\1|p' /etc/enigma2/enigma2/settings`
if [ -z "$SKIN" ]; then
SKIN=`strings -n 10 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/skin.pyc | egrep -o -m 1 ".+/skin.xml" | sed 's|/skin.xml.*||'`
if [ -n "${SKIN}" ]; then
SEARCHDIRS="/etc/enigma2/${SKIN} /etc/enigma2/skin_common /etc/enigma2 /usr/share/enigma2/${SKIN} /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default /usr/share/enigma2 /usr/share"
SEARCHDIRS="/etc/enigma2/skin_common /etc/enigma2 /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default /usr/share/enigma2 /usr/share"
for DIR in ${SEARCHDIRS}; do
if [ -d "${DIR}" ] && [ -f "${DIR}/bootlogo.mvi" ]; then
/usr/bin/showiframe "${DIR}/bootlogo.mvi" &

[ -f /etc/init.d/bootlogo.py ] && /usr/bin/python /etc/init.d/bootlogo.py
[ -f /usr/share/lcd.png ] && /usr/bin/displayvfd -p /usr/share/lcd.png

27-05-24, 13:18
@Orlandox Yes I do. This is what it contains.

# avoid the console messages clobbering our logo
[ -f /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind ] && echo 0 > /sys/class/vtconsole/vtcon1/bind
# and set the correct videomode before showing the bootlogo
[ -f /etc/videomode ] && cat /etc/videomode > /proc/stb/video/videomode

if [ -x /usr/bin/showiframe ]; then
SKIN=`sed -En 's|config\.skin\.primary_skin=(.+)/skin\.xml|\1|p' /etc/enigma2/enigma2/settings`
if [ -z "$SKIN" ]; then
SKIN=`strings -n 10 /usr/lib/enigma2/python/skin.pyc | egrep -o -m 1 ".+/skin.xml" | sed 's|/skin.xml.*||'`
if [ -n "${SKIN}" ]; then
SEARCHDIRS="/etc/enigma2/${SKIN} /etc/enigma2/skin_common /etc/enigma2 /usr/share/enigma2/${SKIN} /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default /usr/share/enigma2 /usr/share"
SEARCHDIRS="/etc/enigma2/skin_common /etc/enigma2 /usr/share/enigma2/skin_default /usr/share/enigma2 /usr/share"
for DIR in ${SEARCHDIRS}; do
if [ -d "${DIR}" ] && [ -f "${DIR}/bootlogo.mvi" ]; then
/usr/bin/showiframe "${DIR}/bootlogo.mvi" &

[ -f /etc/init.d/bootlogo.py ] && /usr/bin/python /etc/init.d/bootlogo.py
[ -f /usr/share/lcd.png ] && /usr/bin/displayvfd -p /usr/share/lcd.png

27-05-24, 13:21
enigma2.sh.in (https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/blob/9a1e6f517f708a102956a0886e1445ff45aa1b5c/tools/enigma2.sh.in#L47-L50) only searches for shows backdrop.mvi

if [ -x @bindir@/showiframe ]; then
SKIN=`sed -En 's|config\.skin\.primary_skin=(.+)/skin\.xml|\1|p' @sysconfdir@/enigma2/settings`
if [ -z "$SKIN" ]; then
SKIN=`strings -n 10 @prefix@/lib/enigma2/python/skin.pyc | egrep -o -m 1 ".+/skin.xml" | sed 's|/skin.xml.*||'`
if [ -n "${SKIN}" ]; then
SEARCHDIRS="@sysconfdir@/enigma2/${SKIN} @sysconfdir@/enigma2/skin_common @sysconfdir@/enigma2 @datadir@/enigma2/${SKIN} @datadir@/enigma2/skin_default @datadir@/enigma2 @datadir@"
SEARCHDIRS="@sysconfdir@/enigma2/skin_common @sysconfdir@/enigma2 @datadir@/enigma2/skin_default @datadir@/enigma2 @datadir@"
for DIR in ${SEARCHDIRS}; do
if [ -d "${DIR}" ] && [ -f "${DIR}/backdrop.mvi" ]; then
@bindir@/showiframe "${DIR}/backdrop.mvi" &

27-05-24, 15:01
For added info: OpenVix distro has a totally different recipes-distros build structure for bootlogo/s whereas every other oe-a team distro has the same.

There are missing fixes pushed to all oe-a team distros except this distro due to this different structure, such as the [vuduo2] update bootlogo.py fix ValueError (https://github.com/oe-alliance/oe-alliance-core/commit/1f9757db468180c547111ec23ac3859d4a0ce1b5)

27-05-24, 17:09
Vu+ Ultimo 4K:

If you copy this lcd.png to \Root\usr\share\, there is a bootlogo at LCD display.


27-05-24, 17:33
Odd. The enigma2 code only mentions bootlogo.mvi.
Some plugins mention backdrop.mvi, though.Boot logotipo is core. Backdrop is opened by enigma2.sh when enigma start.

27-05-24, 18:31
Vu+ Ultimo 4K:

If you copy this lcd.png to \Root\usr\share\, there is a bootlogo at LCD display.


Nope, tried that and it doesn't show on the LED screen during boot.

It's the main screen I have issues with, not the LED display.

27-05-24, 20:25
Boot logotipo is core. Backdrop is opened by enigma2.sh when enigma start.I can't find any reference to it.

27-05-24, 20:55
I can't find any reference to it.
Click the link in post #16 for backdrop reference

27-05-24, 22:47
Click the link in post #16 for backdrop referenceHmmm.... Must have had my eyes shut.
Turns out that my own script puts both files into /etc/enigma2 (along with a radio.mvi).

28-05-24, 05:52
Nope, tried that and it doesn't show on the LED screen during boot.

It's the main screen I have issues with, not the LED display.

That is meant for Ultimo 4K (LCD size 800x480). What is the LCD size of Duo 4K SE ? 480x320 ?


abu baniaz
28-05-24, 08:15
My H9S SE shows both a backdrop.mvi and bootlogo.mvi. They are located in /etc/enigma2. I have not tested other receivers yet.

28-05-24, 13:26
I did a little experimenting with my AX 61HD. It shows both backdrop.mvi (briefly) and then bootlogo.mvi during the boot process. I placed the files in /etc/enigma2/

28-05-24, 20:30
Thanks guys and gals. I've tried everything but don't understand why. Maybe it is my TV and the timing the screen resolution changes during boot and it is just not quick enough to show the bootlogo.mvi. When I change screen resolution to 4K (2160p) and reboot, I don't ,even get to see the VU+ boot screen logo (TV switches to 576p) then it does 720p @60Hz before changing again to 2160p when I eventually get to see the backdrop.mvi proir to the picture showing with the infobar.

With boot from all other resolutions, I see the VU+ logo on the TV and on the LCD.

I can only assume it is a timing quirk with my TV and the VU+ Duo 4K SE which never happened with the Ultimo4K. Think I'll give up before I lose any more grey hairs :-)

EDIT: Orlandox, I resized your image to 480x320 and put it in user/share. Still didn't show on LCD during boot. I did try m8. ;)

I wonder, During boot, Just after the 576p VU logo shows, I get a quick flash of digital dots for a millisecond before the screen changes to 720p @60Hz. I wonder if it is trying to show the bootlogo.mvi a fraction before the resolution changes and can't cope with an image of that size. I wonder if there is a way to pause the showing of the bootlogo.mvi by a second?

abu baniaz
28-05-24, 20:39
The timing issue may be why you don't see it. That being said, the Duo 4k SE uses same chipset as ultimo 4k.

28-05-24, 21:21
OK, I've managed to get a better screenshot of that moment that shows before the resolution change to 720p @60Hz. I think this is the moment it is trying to show the bootlogo.mvi. What do you think?

Note that the TV isn't showing any screen resolution at that moment.


Here is a clip of the VU+ Duo 4K SE and the TV showing what I see on screen.


28-05-24, 23:16
The timing issue may be why you don't see it. That being said, the Duo 4k SE uses same chipset as ultimo 4k.
Probaly start order is indeed not correct and is using the default "start 06 S ." param

OpenVix is missing all the INITSCRIPT_PARAMS for the duo4k models.

see. bootlogo fix vuduo4kse start order (https://github.com/oe-alliance/oe-alliance-core/commit/d4543b1d42123976374f1019f0e91e8a0c45b06e)

INITSCRIPT_NAME = "bootlogo"
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS = "start 06 S ."
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS:vuduo2 = "start 70 S ."
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS:vusolo2 = "start 70 S ."
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS:vusolose = "start 70 S ."
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS:vusolo4k = "start 70 S ."
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS:vuuno4k = "start 70 S ."
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS:vuuno4kse = "start 70 S ."
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS:vuultimo4k = "start 70 S ."
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS:vuzero4k = "start 70 S ."

INITSCRIPT_PARAMS:vuduo4k = "start 70 S ."
INITSCRIPT_PARAMS:vuduo4kse = "start 70 S ."

abu baniaz
28-05-24, 23:38
Thanks, added here: https://github.com/oe-alliance/oe-alliance-core/commit/b33bcb534df7ac0a804683e378b4f12266a7f17e

29-05-24, 01:07
Is this something I can add to my existing image Openvix 6.5.003 or will I need to wait until the next release of Openvix 6.5.004?

29-05-24, 02:57
I wonder, During boot, Just after the 576p VU logo shows, I get a quick flash of digital dots for a millisecond before the screen changes to 720p @60Hz. I wonder if it is trying to show the bootlogo.mvi a fraction before the resolution changes and can't cope with an image of that size.All of my mvi files are 1920x1080.
They happily show at the 720p start-up resolution (576p is only there for the vendor's boot logo), and one of them (backdrop.mvi) is there during the 720p to 1080p switch, with no display problem.

29-05-24, 14:03
Is this something I can add to my existing image Openvix 6.5.003 or will I need to wait until the next release of Openvix 6.5.004?

You could try moving your current bootlogo lower down in the init script alpha/numberic Start order yourself?

cd /etc/rcS.d && rm S06bootlogo && ln -s /etc/init.d/bootlogo S70bootlogo

29-05-24, 15:06
You could try moving your current bootlogo lower down in the init script alpha/numberic Start order yourself?

cd /etc/rcS.d && rm S06bootlogo && ln -s /etc/init.d/bootlogo S70bootlogo

Interesting. I still don't see the bootlogo.mvi, but the backdrop.mvi shows much earlier, the moment the screen changes to 720p @60 the backdrop shows. I still get 'the dots' for a few milliseconds about 2 seconds before the screen resolution changes to 720p @60.

Thanks for your efforts LariZer

29-05-24, 18:43
Interesting. I still don't see the bootlogo.mvi, but the backdrop.mvi shows much earlier,There are two stages to starting up enigma2, and one of these files is put on the display at the start of each of these stages.

When Linux starts booting the /etc/init.d/bootlogo script puts up bootlogo.mvi.
Later, when enigma2 starts (which is after Linux is fully started) /usr/bin/enigmna2.sh puts up backdrop.mvi.
So how long each is shown depends on your hardware.

Since it is enigma2 that runs the spinning logo (during which the screen resolution changes - at least for me) you should be seeing that over backdrop.mvi.

At one point, IIRC, these two images (i.e. the picture they showed) were the same on standard enigma2, but the former one included "Please Wait", while the latter did not.

EDIT: Although on looking at some recent MK posts of new versions of these files, I may have got that the wrong way round.

29-05-24, 22:39
There are two stages to starting up enigma2, and one of these files is put on the display at the start of each of these stages.

When Linux starts booting the /etc/init.d/bootlogo script puts up bootlogo.mvi.
Later, when enigma2 starts (which is after Linux is fully started) /usr/bin/enigmna2.sh pus up backdrop.mvi.
So how long each is shown depends on your hardware.

Since it is enigma2 that runs the spinning logo (during which the screen resolution changes - at least for me) you should be seeing that over backdrop.mvi.

At one point, IIRC, these two images (i.e. the picture they showed) were the same on standard enigma2, but the former one included "Please Wait", while the latter did not.

EDIT: Although on looking at some recent MK posts of new versions of these files, I may have got that the wrong way round.

When my boxes boot from deep standby they first display bootlogo.mvi and then backdrop.mvi*** with a quick (0.5 second) black screen between them.

The images and mvi file names generated by Logomatik and placed in etc/enigma2/


*** It may be reboot.mvi as this, in my case, is the same as the backdrop.mvi image.

29-05-24, 22:54
There are two stages to starting up enigma2, and one of these files is put on the display at the start of each of these stages.

When Linux starts booting the /etc/init.d/bootlogo script puts up bootlogo.mvi.
Later, when enigma2 starts (which is after Linux is fully started) /usr/bin/enigmna2.sh pus up backdrop.mvi.
So how long each is shown depends on your hardware.

Since it is enigma2 that runs the spinning logo (during which the screen resolution changes - at least for me) you should be seeing that over backdrop.mvi.

At one point, IIRC, these two images (i.e. the picture they showed) were the same on standard enigma2, but the former one included "Please Wait", while the latter did not.

EDIT: Although on looking at some recent MK posts of new versions of these files, I may have got that the wrong way round.

backdrop.mvi used to display the "please wait" message but we decided a long time ago that was incorrect so now bootlogo.mvi now shows that message and backdrop does not. What others do is up to them.

30-05-24, 09:28
It's working!!! Woke up this morning and rebooted and saw both bootlogo and backdrop. I replaced them with a few custom images and they are working too. The bootlogo.mvi shows at the same time the resolution changes to 720p @60 shows from the TV.

Thank you all for your help and support. Mark this topic as FIXED!!!! :smiley_yup:


30-05-24, 12:20
Glad you've got it sorted.:thumbsup: Question, though - why are you using a 720p @ 60Hz setting during booting? I'm just curious because european TV is all 50Hz and you seem to be loading BBC as the startup channel.

30-05-24, 13:08
Glad you've got it sorted.:thumbsup: Question, though - why are you using a 720p @ 60Hz setting during booting? I'm just curious because european TV is all 50Hz and you seem to be loading BBC as the startup channel.

Maybe bootloader - seem to remember gigablue boots at 60

30-05-24, 15:33
Joe_90, AFAIK, that's down to the bootloader. I have my normal screen resolution set to 1080 and fixed 50Hz. It has always defaulted to 720p 60Hz while booting up and then changes to 1080 50Hz half way through the boot process.

30-05-24, 15:55
A final update, I tried to flash a fresh install of Openvix 6.5.003 to see what happens. The Openvix bootlogo.mvi doesn't show on first boot and after a setting backup, my bootlogo.mvi didn't show either until I add the code LraiZer provided. So it is definitely a timing issue. I look forward to this being fixed in future updates without me having to enter the code :thumbsup:

cd /etc/rcS.d && rm S06bootlogo && ln -s /etc/init.d/bootlogo S70bootlogo

30-05-24, 18:43
Joe_90, AFAIK, that's down to the bootloader. I have my normal screen resolution set to 1080 and fixed 50Hz. It has always defaulted to 720p 60Hz while booting up and then changes to 1080 50Hz half way through the boot process.

Ah -ok. Just curiosity on my part! Recently, I've changed my main TV (now only HDMI), so I have CEC enabled. This switches the TV on only after the boot process is completed, so I don't even see a boot logo most times. Only ever see it when I'm updating/flashing new versions.

abu baniaz
31-05-24, 00:37
I look forward to this being fixed in future updates without me having to enter the code

The change has already been made. Please flash the new image when it is available and double check if it works without intervention.