View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] full flash but still saying 6.4.011

08-05-24, 12:26
full flashed the box with 6.5.003 but still showing info 6.4.011. Is there a problem ? Only thing I notice is that picons are changed so there was a flash.Did a full restart off the box also.Also NFS and SAmba both again deactivated after flash

08-05-24, 12:55
Still showing 6.4 where?

08-05-24, 13:01
box info.Also I cannot get samba or NFS to work.Installed both but not starting.Will simply go back to 6.4.011 wich was working fine

08-05-24, 13:04
Nothing wrong with 6.5. Something has gone wrong with your flashing. If boxinfo says 6.4 that is because it is NOT a 6.5 image, or a boxinfo file has been restored.

08-05-24, 13:07
just downloaded 6.5 on HDD and did a flash from ther with restoring. Samba file seems oke but nit starting.Neither NFS
Ps : flash took a very long time and if I cannot restore setting this will take me to long manually

PS 1: could i do a restore only for plugins ? Confuring satndard settings can be done fast

Why is this mentioned in another topic : There is a message on the build page 'don't try and restore backups from 6.4 to 6.5'

08-05-24, 13:24
flashing box now with 6.5.001 and will comeback.Done flash on the octagon version 6.5.001 and working fine on that one.Will try flash vu without restore settings

08-05-24, 14:38
Why is this mentioned in another topic : There is a message on the build page 'don't try and restore backups from 6.4 to 6.5' : means you cannot restore earlyer version if 6.5 is on the box.

abu baniaz
08-05-24, 15:19
That applies to Willowbuild. If you are using official/plain vix, you can restore and should be fine.

08-05-24, 15:27
downloaded from here so is there fake on this site ????? One VU duo 2 did the update right but the main box refuses to do it.Stays 10 minutes on settings restore and 6.4.011 in the end as box image info.Only thing that can be is a plugin but why does restore settings takes 10 minutes ?
Same plugins are on both boxes besides a differant bouqetmaker.
If I do a flash without restore I cannot restore a backup with the apps .Choose backup and starts but after long time comes back with nothing

Just did a flash from usb but same problem on settings restore.Takes 10 min and box says 6.4.011

abu baniaz
08-05-24, 16:37
Post the debug log please.

08-05-24, 16:46
how would I have a debug log if everything is loading fine but still comes to old image ? Main box will stay om 6.4.011 for the moment.
Tomorrow I will try again and maybe do an opkg update on samba and NFS but if restoring settings does not work then it is the end

08-05-24, 17:31
If you are restoring bad setting that is not the fault of 6.5. If there were a problem with 6.5 there would be a lot more post than just this one.

08-05-24, 18:43
something must be wrong with te backup file on main box on restoring.Will try with a BU file from the duo that did the update good

09-05-24, 11:29
simply did a BU from second vu duo2 and flashed on main box.Working fine now.Something is wrong with the BU file.Finetuning now