View Full Version : Does the IR sensor actually work= how to connect?

08-05-24, 08:38
This has me baffled. Next door neighbour was well impressed with my uno 4kse and noticed I had the IR sensor gizmo on my desk BUT it has a jack connection and I cant see any in put for a jack on the box. The manual says IR/RS232||

Am I blind?? Help

08-05-24, 13:54
if you have a Uno 4K SE it should look like https://static.wixstatic.com/media/46aad9_a1c4332b27e34e26a7bc7252f0d9a950~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_970,h_228,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/Uno-4K-SE-back.png you might see a connector which looks a bit like ethernet.


08-05-24, 18:49
I can see that but how do I plug jack in,

abu baniaz
08-05-24, 18:59
Surely you just clip it in if it is one for the receiver?

Are you indirectly saying that you bought a sensor that I was designed for another receiver and want to use it on the Vu? Please post a picture of the end. If it is a non-Vu sensor, you will have to cut off the end and reterminate it using the correct adapter. I a pretty sure it is an RJ11 connector. Or cut an unused phone lead and twist wires together.

08-05-24, 19:08
Its as above and I think its either a mistake or one can buy an adapter. Here is the pic and its no big deal.

abu baniaz
08-05-24, 19:41
I don't know if you will get an adapter. You might have to adapt the end. I did for the serial cable. Hopefully someone in the know will respond with a more useful post.

09-05-24, 00:47
You need to research the cable termination (pinout layout) for the box. Get an RJ11 (telephone cable) as Abu suggested and splice the existing IR receiver into it or swap for the correct model.

abu baniaz
04-06-24, 23:45
The one that came with my Solo SE has an RJ11 connector.

Green = LED
White = IR
Black = GND
Red= VCC

The colours are in following order (clip at bottom)

Green (LED)
Black (GND)
White (IR)
Red (VCC)

Edit: It also works on mu Duo 4K (non-SE)