View Full Version : [Mut@nt HD2400] Cannot show elapsed time

25-03-24, 11:49
In settings>user interface>front panel display>front panel settings>show time remaining/elapsed it always shows remaining time no matter what i choose.

25-03-24, 14:52
I know on my Et 10000 shows how long that program is on for.

Sometimes skins do things slightly different?

Some boxes have no control over whats in front panel.

If you changed anything was it saved first before exiting out?

Does box need a reboot to change your settings.

25-03-24, 15:40
I know on my Et 10000 shows how long that program is on for.

Sometimes skins do things slightly different?

Some boxes have no control over whats in front panel.

If you changed anything was it saved first before exiting out?

Does box need a reboot to change your settings.

On my Et10000 I can get either Remaining or Elapsed or Elapsed + remaining


if the next two configuration settings are set to Hours/Mins/ (optional seconds), or percentage, and NOT Skin setting
Show Transponder Remaining/Elapsed as = Hours Mins
Show Media playback Remaing/Elapsed as = Hours Mins

On my box "Skin Setting" only displays the Remaining time irrespective of how the Remain/Elapsed option is set.

Skin = Simple Ten Eighty

25-03-24, 17:18
Only use Simple Ten Eighty on all my boxes.

25-03-24, 17:18
I tried your settings, saved and rebooted with no luck. My skin is also simple ten eighty. It even shows seconds despite i only have chosen hours and minutes.