View Full Version : [VU+ Duo4K SE] AC3 Passthrough issues

21-01-24, 12:56
Hi All

Posting this to see if any others are having issues with this box and AC3/AC3+ passthrough.

I have tried this with HDMI passthrough audio and a direct optical cable to my denon amp, same result.

When playing any media file with doly surround sound/DTS etc, when the file starts playting there is no sound. This can be fixed by going to Audio > toggling passthrough to off, then pressing on the audio stream. You will then get stereo after a few seconds. Then go back to Audio and turn passthrough back on and click ok on the audio stream, then after a few seconds you will get the doly surround on the amp.

Super annoying, has anyone else got this issue or know of a fix?

21-01-24, 15:22
Snap, same box same amp PITA. I download quite a bit, movies/series and I like DD. So I blame the DL but now that you have posted I'm more aware. It could be a fault. I can send box back by 31 January.

This is my workaround but it can be convoluted I will try yours later. I will go to say ITV1 and get PLii cinema in the Denon go back and play media and get DD but sometimes it does not work, I then change the HDMI port, I have 4 and then go back and this works!! I turn off amp and that can work.

The no sound is a real pain

And no fix.

I am using optical to the amp but you have reminded me to try HDMI today and see if that gives straight DD. It did with AXHD61.

One other thing. I have a Pioneer LX5090 and when using the DUO 4K I get 38bit showing on the screen along with the resolution!

21-01-24, 22:39
It's a driver bug that is also an issue on Ultimo4K (same chipset).

Vu+ have never fixed it and tbh I doubt they ever will now.

I have only ever seen the issue with AC3+ though tbh.

Another work around is to have a small video file saved on hdd that also uses AC3+, play that first (only need to start it for like 1 second), then go to movie selection and select the movie you want to watch and then the audio should kick in.

23-01-24, 09:18
Damm, that dredded moment you get it confirmed, Thanks Ev0 though for the other fix! Seems to suggest really that some code is needed to reset the soundcard chip so that it picks up the stream first time. I tried to submit a bug report on the vu website last night but kept getting an error, so I used their sales form instead to see if it gets through to anyone...


https://www-opena-tv.translate.goog/vu-duo-4k-se/61703-ton-eac3.html?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc <-- interesting script posted here as a hack to workaround it (have not tried yet)

23-01-24, 22:45
Well this is what I did on Sunday, I hooked up the HDMI lead to my amp and left the optical plugged in and then tried to play a file in DD. Doing the usual workaround I got and this was really strange, DD on the amp screen but it kept flashing on and off, it would light up as DD but no sound. I tried quite a few and same result. I disconnected the HDMI and went back to the Optical and all the files played DD. I tried again tonight and same result got DD straightaway. That's all I did, whether it lasts that's another thing.

Evo where would I get a small video file in Ac3 and that sounds(sorry) like a neat fix.? At least we are not alone, this was driving me nuts. Box great apart from that.

23-01-24, 23:00
Well this is what I did on Sunday, I hooked up the HDMI lead to my amp and left the optical plugged in and then tried to play a file in DD. Doing the usual workaround I got and this was really strange, DD on the amp screen but it kept flashing on and off, it would light up as DD but no sound. I tried quite a few and same result. I disconnected the HDMI and went back to the Optical and all the files played DD. I tried again tonight and same result got DD straightaway. That's all I did, whether it lasts that's another thing.

Evo where would I get a small video file in Ac3 and that sounds(sorry) like a neat fix.? At least we are not alone, this was driving me nuts. Box great apart from that.

I recorded a short clip from 6TER on 5w, as it broadcasts in AC3+

23-01-24, 23:44
I cant open 6TER on viaccess and how do I enter multistream details with Vix, I keep getting 2 before I enter 50416???

24-01-24, 08:13
I cant open 6TER on viaccess and how do I enter multistream details with Vix, I keep getting 2 before I enter 50416???Use MIS plugin.

24-01-24, 12:15
I cant open 6TER on viaccess and how do I enter multistream details with Vix, I keep getting 2 before I enter 50416???

6TER doesn't use MIS anyway.

But if your struggling then try this (link will expire in 3 days):


24-01-24, 12:25
BTW the PLS code is 054016 not 5040160.

24-01-24, 13:18
I tried as you suggested and would you believe it can not get a sniff on that frequency but got about 395 channels with a full scan. I did get a channel W9 and that had AC3+ so recorded a few snippets and may be useful in the future.

Thanks for the tip. I noticed BBC says AC3!! Is there a difference with AC3+?? I get PLII Cinema on the amp with both.

Evo I worked it out and put in 050416 but I cant get a signal anyway. Out of range.

24-01-24, 13:39
Thanks for the tip. I noticed BBC says AC3!! Is there a difference with AC3+?? I get PLII Cinema on the amp with both.

They are not the same.

AC3 = Dolby Digital

AC3+ = Dolby Digial +

25-01-24, 00:28
I tried as you suggested and would you believe it can not get a sniff on that frequency but got about 395 channels with a full scan. I did get a channel W9 and that had AC3+ so recorded a few snippets and may be useful in the future.

Thanks for the tip. I noticed BBC says AC3!! Is there a difference with AC3+?? I get PLII Cinema on the amp with both.

Evo I worked it out and put in 050416 but I cant get a signal anyway. Out of range.What location? That transponder needs a lot of signal to lock.

25-01-24, 14:40
8 West, near atlantic. I checked footprint:rolleyes:

I got what I needed so all good and learnt a bit.

27-01-24, 00:28
8 West, near atlantic. I checked footprint:rolleyes:

I got what I needed so all good and learnt a bit.8W? Ireland? You would need a big dish for that transponder. Reports from SW UK say it needs bigger that 1m dish.