View Full Version : [GiGaBlue UHD UE 4K] Receiver crashes multiple times??

19-01-24, 19:54
We have been out all day, and when I looked at the receiver GUI the BBC1 picon repeatedly went off and replaced by a loading or booting white line. When I turned the TV on, the screen was showing the bootup screen before it loaded the tv picture on BBC1.
Also I noticed another problem, and that is when I set a program to be recorded, it does that but also records or produces about 30 items of the program name but of 0 minutes

Looking at the log there are about 20 logs just for today, and I have attached the latest one. If any more are required I will post them also.


19-01-24, 20:14
Online flash to 6.4.011

19-01-24, 21:03
I installed the new image version 6.4.011 , by using the software update manager, and is now running fine. I will keep an eye on it though.


19-01-24, 21:24
I installed the new image version 6.4.011 , by using the software update manager, and is now running fine. I will keep an eye on it though.

Occasionally try online flash ….you might be surprised how easy it is…..and flashing to another slot gives you a backup

20-01-24, 10:14
How do you mean when you say, .and flashing to another slot gives you a backup .
What other slot??


abu baniaz
20-01-24, 11:39
There are 3 partitions/slots the internal flash memory of your Gigablue UE 4K to store images.

If your current image is in partition/slot 1. If you flash/install an image into partition/slot 2, the image in slot 1 is a backup. You can choose to boot back into it.

For clarity:

Software update = Menu > Setup > System > Software update > software update
Software update = Menu > Information > About > Yellow (software update)

You cannot install a new image using software update. You can update to the newest image although occasionally/rarely some modules do not update.

Couch flash/flash image/online flash =
Menu > Setup > Vix > Image Manager > Blue (flash)
Blue (extensions) > Vix Image Management > Image Manager > Blue (flash)

When you use Image Manager to flash an image, a settings backup is created by default. After you flash a new Vix image and it reboots, you will be asked to restore settings and also plugins that are on the Vix server. Within a few minutes you can flash a new image and be up and running like your old image.

20-01-24, 17:18
Thank you for the explanation, as I was not aware of that. I have now done an online flash to slot 2, then on reboot restored the settings and all is well.
Thanks again