View Full Version : [Zgemma H7] wget returned 4 when updating plugins

06-01-24, 18:23
Hello, I have a problem with my Zgemma H7S when trying to update plugins or firmware. I get an annoying answer each time I do an opkg update:

opkg_download_backend: Failed to download http://www.openvix.co.uk/feeds/openv...ll/Packages.gz, wget returned 4

Same for each feed... What should I do to fix this? Doesn't behave this way with my Ultimo 4k under Openpli 9 on the same Network, but the hint is when I plug my Zgemma at work on another network (but same ISP and still IpV6) it updates easily... Seems to be an incompatibility between my home Network (IpV6) and Openvix (I have the same error with OpenVix in an Amiko 4K)... Any Idea about what to do?

Thanks a lot

06-01-24, 23:08
Which openvix build. please post a grab of the about screen.

07-01-24, 01:59
Is this the problem?


07-01-24, 12:54
Last one 6.4.01066046

07-01-24, 12:55
I think it's a dns pb but don't know how to fix this... The strange thing is that there's no problem on the same network with openpli 9