View Full Version : GT-Sat GT-S3DCSS24 SCR no signal

27-12-23, 18:58
HI ALL, Help needed, I have installed a new Technomate 65cm Mesh Satellite Dish with a GT-Sat GT-S3DCSS24 LMB and a new VU+ Duo 4K SE. To cut a long story short I have pulled most of my hair out over the last few days trying to get the unicable part sorted.
I currently have a 3m length of coax running from the legacy output of the LMB directly into the VU+ box (to reduce any connection issues), the receiver is running the latest firmware (6.4). the output from the legacy is very good with a signal of 79% and an AGC of 97% using transponder 11038V (pic 1 legacy settings.jpg)
I then swapped the cable into the unicable output and set the receiver configuration as :-

Config mode - Advanced
Satellite - 28.2E Astra
Priority - Auto
Type of LNB/device - SCR (Unicable/JESS)
SCR (unicable/JESS) type - SCR (Unicable/JESS) LNB
Model - GT-S3DCSS24
Channel - User band1(0975)
DiSEqC mode - none
Force legacy signal stats - no
(Image - model GT-SAT LMB.jpg)

I also tried changing the Model to :-
model - dLNB dHello

the rest remains the same
(Image - using @Hello.jpg)

I have read a lot of posts about unicable configuration and followed the settings as posted in this forum, but I can not find where the fault is.
I am not able to get a signal using unicable could anyone suggest anything to help.

Thanks in advance Stephen

abu baniaz
27-12-23, 19:08
I am pretty sure that the LNB comes programmed in two varieties, one is for the Italian market. Note the word "or" at the bottom of the leaflet. One side of the leaflet has the frequencies used for the 24 SCR/user bands/channels, the other has the fewer frequencies used for the Italian market. Try the Italian option, the first user band is 1210 MHz instead of 975

Link to guide on taking screenshots in my signature if you need it.

Edit: Screenshots showing the GT sat models as well as just one tuner setup to illustrate the configuration.

27-12-23, 19:40
Thank you I will try that.
The piece of paper in the box is single sided with Userband-ID and Userband-Frq columns.
1 - 975 Mhz
24 - 2125 Mhz.
Thank you for the screenshot tip.

abu baniaz
27-12-23, 20:35
The Italian one only has 16 usable bands. But worth trying anyway.

Sorry to ask, are you sure that you are connecting to the unicable output?

27-12-23, 20:44
Hi Abu,
Still nothing with the Italian model selected :(
Do you think there might be a fault with the actual LNB?
Does the box need a reboot to send the info to the LNB?
Does it need time to react to any LNB changes?
Sorry for the simple questions, I am lost now.
Not getting any signal on any of the transponders.

27-12-23, 20:52
yes, three legacy which work fine, one unicable.

What has just come up on reboot after the channel, it is now asking "connected through another tuner"
That was not there before.

27-12-23, 21:37
Can you post your settings. / etc/ enigma2 … sometimes when you flip between different setups it gets confused.

27-12-23, 21:56
Which slot is your FBC tuner in?
I've had a look online and all the images of a single twin satellite FBC tuner show it in the Tuner B slot and you seem to be setting up Tuner A.
I don't know if this makes a difference?


27-12-23, 22:09
please explain what you want to see and how do I get to it. It has been reset several times and not using any backup. If that helps

27-12-23, 22:17
Which slot is your FBC tuner in?
I've had a look online and all the images of a single twin satellite FBC tuner show it in the Tuner B slot and you seem to be setting up Tuner A.
I don't know if this makes a difference?


It is in second slot A

abu baniaz
28-12-23, 03:34
Please post a screenshot of Menu > Information > Devices. If possible, please also post a picture of the rear of the receiver showing the wires/tuners.
Please do not mixup slots and tuners. No matter which slot in the motherboard the card/module is inserted into, the top physical input will be the lower letter. I have not had a problem with the tuner card being in motherboard socket A on my Duo 4k (not SE), but feel free to try inserting in motherboard socket B. If you have one tuner card, It will still be shown as Tuner A-H

The settings file is located in /etc/enigma2. Transfer it to PC, you will have to zip it before you can upload it to forum.

28-12-23, 08:53
please explain what you want to see and how do I get to it. It has been reset several times and not using any backup. If that helps

in /etc/enigma2 directory on the box, there is a settings files.(/etc/enigma2/settings)
If you can extract to a PC with Filezilla or another tool and post here, we can then see what the box has defined in the tuner settings compared to the menu setups etc

28-12-23, 21:05
Please post a screenshot of Menu > Information > Devices. If possible, please also post a picture of the rear of the receiver showing the wires/tuners.
Please do not mixup slots and tuners. No matter which slot in the motherboard the card/module is inserted into, the top physical input will be the lower letter. I have not had a problem with the tuner card being in motherboard socket A on my Duo 4k (not SE), but feel free to try inserting in motherboard socket B. If you have one tuner card, It will still be shown as Tuner A-H

The settings file is located in /etc/enigma2. Transfer it to PC, you will have to zip it before you can upload it to forum.

As requested, I think I am uploading the correct way, I am getting used to using forums.
1 -Devices (screen shot)
2 -images rear of receiver
3 - zip file of enigma2 directory. (Iam not sure if this has worked correctly?)

config.Nims.0.advanced.lnb.1.unicableManufacturer= GT-SAT
config.tv.lastroot=1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "bouquets.tv" ORDER BY bouquet;
config.usage.date.compact=%-d %b
config.usage.date.displayday=%a %-d %b

28-12-23, 22:01
I've just fresh flashed my box and only set up tuners A & B and these are my tuners in the settings file:

config.Nims.0.advanced.lnb.1.unicableManufacturer= GT-SAT
config.Nims.1.advanced.lnb.1.unicableManufacturer= GT-SAT

28-12-23, 23:05
I've just fresh flashed my box and only set up tuners A & B and these are my tuners in the settings file:

config.Nims.0.advanced.lnb.1.unicableManufacturer= GT-SAT
config.Nims.1.advanced.lnb.1.unicableManufacturer= GT-SAT

I have just reconfigured to A & B and got this, it looks like the two lines in BOLD are the difference. This line as it is false should not make a difference "config.Nims.0.advanced.lnb.1.powerinserter=False"

config.Nims.0.advanced.lnb.1.unicableManufacturer= GT-SAT
config.Nims.1.advanced.lnb.1.unicableManufacturer= GT-SAT

28-12-23, 23:11
That should be correct for your setup because you only have one cable connected. I have cables connected to both tuner inputs.
Are you absolutely sure that the cable is connected to the unicable output of the LNB and not the legacy output?
Have you actually tried scanning with ABM?


29-12-23, 17:45
That should be correct for your setup because you only have one cable connected. I have cables connected to both tuner inputs.
Are you absolutely sure that the cable is connected to the unicable output of the LNB and not the legacy output?
Have you actually tried scanning with ABM?


Tried scanning nothing found, the cable is connected to the right hand output of your image66001 This images show the black cable connected to the dCSS output, the others are to the legacy outputs which work fine.
From this video I found on Youtube, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TRH_jyWUoM&t=84s) can you tell me if he is programming the frequency of the output? (I have an old Amiko XFinder which is not registering any signal output, I'm not sure if it is unicable I or II)

abu baniaz
30-12-23, 09:33
The first 4 channels are always unicable 1 anyway. I think you have a faulty LNB. Double check with retailer and see what they suggest you test.

30-12-23, 13:02
The first 4 channels are always unicable 1 anyway. I think you have a faulty LNB. Double check with retailer and see what they suggest you test.

I think you are correct, I want others opinion to confirm. It took me sometime to check all the options as it was a new item.
Thanks to everyone for your help.

31-12-23, 10:28
I also have this LNB and same box as you and generally no issues at all except for when it seems it gets cold, I find I have no signal and a full power reboot (by physical switch) I occasionally have to do during winter months. My rare no signal is first thing of a morning which only thing it does of a morning (around 6am) is a daily ABM update and EPG update just after. I find that when I do have to do a phsyical power reboot, it's fine for rest of the day and sometimes for days after.

It's weird as had this setup for well over a year and it is only during really cold/icy weather I have this no signal issue so for 10+ months of year it's perfectly fine! At least that is pattern I've only been able to find. I too had the LNB switched out by supplier (WoS) and same thing.

I live with this issue as it's obviously very rare and a power cycle fixes it.

I use 1x legacy that goes to a Solo2 but the main feed goes to my Duo4KSE. My Duo4KSE has two actual tuners so I have a splitter at end feed from LNB.

I'm not using latest OpenVix, however. Just 6.4.008.

If it helps, I've attached my (generally) working settings file...

31-12-23, 11:46
I also have this LNB and same box as you and generally no issues at all except for when it seems it gets cold, I find I have no signal and a full power reboot (by physical switch) I occasionally have to do during winter months. My rare no signal is first thing of a morning which only thing it does of a morning (around 6am) is a daily ABM update and EPG update just after. I find that when I do have to do a phsyical power reboot, it's fine for rest of the day and sometimes for days after.

It's weird as had this setup for well over a year and it is only during really cold/icy weather I have this no signal issue so for 10+ months of year it's perfectly fine! At least that is pattern I've only been able to find. I too had the LNB switched out by supplier (WoS) and same thing.

I live with this issue as it's obviously very rare and a power cycle fixes it.

I use 1x legacy that goes to a Solo2 but the main feed goes to my Duo4KSE. My Duo4KSE has two actual tuners so I have a splitter at end feed from LNB.

I'm not using latest OpenVix, however. Just 6.4.008.

If it helps, I've attached my (generally) working settings file...

That settings file looks totally different to the ones I posted. Is that the config file in /etc/enigma2/settings?

31-12-23, 14:20
That settings file looks totally different to the ones I posted. Is that the config file in /etc/enigma2/settings?Yes (minus few personal things like passwords).

It will be slightly different I would expect because I have two physical tuners with a splitter that splits the main feed from LNB into both physical Tuners A and B. Tuners C onwards are virtual tuners (not sure if that correct terminology). For each Tuner, I have set a different "user band".

I'll post some actual screenshots of my tuner settings maybe easier on the eye haha :)

31-12-23, 14:25
66016 66015

66014 66013


etc for each of my other virtual tuners.

Below is used to try to force box to keep free an actual physical tuners (A and B) and instead use virtual tuner (C onwards). From what I got from @abu and others on this forum, somethings require an actual physical tuner (things like ABM and EPG, I believe).

31-12-23, 14:40
Looking at your Tuner A settings picture and my Tuner A settings picture, pretty much same except you dont have the option "Connected through another Tuner".

This is toggled off on my Tuner A and B (physical tuners) but you will see my Tuner C onwards it's enabled that's because my virtual tuners (C onwards) are connected via my physical tuner A.

Not sure if that explains things but maybe one of the others may be able to explain why that is?

31-12-23, 15:20
Are these LNBs any good, if they don't work in the cold? The spec sheet has the operating temp range of -30°C ~ +65°C.

04-07-24, 21:41
Was this solved ?....I've been following this as I have exactly the same setup with the same problem !

Most dismayed to see that this thread has just......died !!!!

05-07-24, 08:49
Was this solved ?....I've been following this as I have exactly the same setup with the same problem !

Most dismayed to see that this thread has just......died !!!!

you need to post your issues with setup.
If you are raising a question about the GT-Sat LNB it works fine in my setup (I have the Italian Scr version)